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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Salt Lake City, Utah. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The State of Utah, Division of Purchasing has issued this RFSQ to obtain statements of qualifications from companies interested in providing various Rangeland Services, which include Mastication, Lop & Scatter, Chaining, Harrowing, Cut & Pile, Cut & Chip, Tamarisk/Russian Olive Removal, and Drill Seeding, with the intent to establish an open-ended approved vendor list. Vendors approved during this process will be prequalified for a period of 18 months after which time an approved vendor must resubmit qualifications for evaluation and renewal. This pre-qual list will open for new vendor submissions every twelve (12) months. The RFSQ can be reopened for any reason the State deems appropriate. State agencies requiring one of the Rangeland services above can, at that agency's option, refer to the pre-qualified list and limit any competition for any particular job to those on the pre-qualified list. Any State agency, at its sole option, may solicit bids from all interested vendors in addition to pre-qualified vendors, when it is determined to be in the State's best interest to do so. This open bid policy will help provide opportunities for other vendors or new vendors to gain the experience necessary to be pre-qualified at a later date. Contractors who have completed projects for the State of Utah and received a performance review must have an average of 60 points in order to respond to this RFSQ. Please contact Alison Whittaker via email ( for your score. If you are a contractor who has never worked for the State of Utah or have not received a performance review, you are welcome to respond to this RFSQ. The State of Utah reserves the right and may reopen this solicitation, or create a new solicitation if it determines there may be more competition for the procurement item than when the original solicitation was posted.



Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Salt Lake City, UT

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