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Published December 5, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a transportation facility in Cut Off, Louisiana. Completed plans call for the renovation of a transportation facility.

*Please Note: This project is partially funded by HUD and we encourage WMBE and section 3 subs to submit bids. so I just added to the description box and updated the bid date* IMPROVEMENTS TO: Hurricane Ida Damage Restoration GLPC Site 10 Airport Terminal Building LOCATED IN: Galliano, Lafourche Parish, Louisiana TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: Municipal and Public Works Construction CONTRACTING AGENCY: Greater Lafourche Port Commission 16829 East Main Street Cut Off, LA 70345 PROPOSAL GUARANTY: 5% of the Amount of Bid Payable to Greater Lafourche Port Commission ENGINEER: GIS Engineering, LLC 197 Elysian Dr Houma, LA 70363 (985) 219-1000 Bids must be submitted on the forms provided by the Contracting Agency, must be prepared in accordance with Section 2 of the 2018 Edition of the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, Office of Multimodal Commerce, General Provisions and must include all the information required by the bid form. Bid forms are available from www.centralauctionhouse.com and will not be issued later than 24 hours prior to the time set for opening the bids. Each bid shall include a proposal guaranty in an amount not less than specified above. No proposal will be considered unless it is accompanied by satisfactory evidence that the Bidder holds a Louisiana State Contractors License, in full force and effect in compliance with the Louisiana State Licensing Board for Contractors and Louisiana Public Bid Law. The contract will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder without discrimination on grounds of race, color, sex or national origin. Disadvantaged businesses will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids. Complete Bid Documents prepared by GIS Engineering, LLC for this Project are available in electronic form. Bids can be submitted online . The award of a contract, if awarded, will be made to the lowest qualified bidder whose proposal complies with all requirements prescribed within 45 calendar days after opening proposals. However, when the contract is to be financed by bonds which are required to be sold after receipts of bids, or when the contract is to be financed in whole or part by federal or other funds not available at the time bids are received, the time will not start until receipt of federal and/or state concurrence or concurrence of the other funding source. Award will be within 30 calendar days after the sale of bonds or receipt of concurrence in award from federal and/or state agency or other funding source. The successful bidder will be notified by letter mailed to the address shown in the proposal that the bidder is awarded the contract. The award of a contract for projects financed either partially or entirely with State bonds will be contingent on approval by the State Bond Commission. On projects involving federal funds the award of contract will also be contingent upon concurrence by the appropriate federal agency. On projects involving state funds the award of contract will also be contingent upon concurrence by the appropriate state agency. The right is reserved to reject bids and waive informalities. Greater Lafourche Port Commission Chett Chiasson Executive Director


Transportation Terminals


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November 1, 2022

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16829 E Main St, Cut Off, LA

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