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Published October 28, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

No quotes will be accepted unless a Questionnaire & Financial Statement for Qualified Sellers with all questions fully answered is filed with www.PHLContracts.phila.gov on or before Thursday, October 13, 2022 In Lieu of prebid meeting, any questions should be emailed to Jessica.Musti@phila.gov .BID NO. WORK NO. DESCRIPTION 2397 B2316061 50279 CONSTRUCTION of GREEN STORMWATER INFRASTRUCTURE in CHEROKEE ST from W. DUVAL ST to W. WASHINGTON LANE & HOLMAN FIELD (Est. $1,000,000 to $2,000,000) WORK NO. S-50279-DG These Bids require Compliance with Office of Economic Opportunity *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document. No quotes will be accepted unless a Questionnaire & Financial Statement for Qualified Sellers with all questions fully answered is filed with www.PHLContracts.phila.gov on or before In Lieu of prebid meeting, any questions should be emailed to Jessica.Musti@phila.gov by Monday, October 17, 2022. MBE - 10% - 15% ; WBE - 5% - 10% Completion- (180) CALENDAR days A. This work includes all work necessary to install complete and fully usable green stormwater infrastructure surface and sub-surface features in the project areas as shown and described in the Contract Documents. In general, the work includes sawcutting and removal of existing sidewalk and paving; excavation of trenches and disposal of material; excavation and grading of rain gardens, stormwater bumpouts and swales; installation of check dams and spillways; installation of clean washed stone and geotextile; installation of thermoplastic, ductile iron and RCP drainage pipe and fittings, cleanouts and riser structures; installation of energy dissipaters; installation of observation wells; installation of trench drains and concrete aprons; installation of new stormwater inlets, control structures and laterals; installation and modification of existing inlets, restoration of sidewalks, curbs and streets, and placement and grading of specified stormwater and planting soils. B. Construction shall not begin until all erosion and sedimentation control facilities have been installed and approved by the Philadelphia Water Department (PWD). The Contractor shall minimize disturbance within the working area wherever possible and restrict the limit of disturbance to the extent feasible. C. Landscaping related work is not included in the Contract. Landscaping work will be performed by a separate vendor under contract with PWD. A. The work of this Contract includes all work necessary to produce complete and fully usable green stormwater infrastructure facilities as shown and described in the Contract Documents. B. The work of this Contract has a designed service life of 100 years. Because of the great expense involved in detecting, locating, and repairing defects, only the best methods and materials, and the most skilled workers, shall be used in the performance of this work. C. The paving work of this Contract has a designed service life of 40 years. All such work shall conform strictly to the requirements of the Philadelphia Streets Department (for work in City Streets) and of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (for work in State Highways). D. Past experience indicates that inadequate compacting of backfill in water sewer, and stormwater trenches frequently results in premature failure of paving patches. The Contractor will be required to adhere to the specific placement and compaction requirements as directed elsewherein these Specifications. E. Past experience indicates that overcompaction of subgrade in green stormwater infiltration trenches results in failure of infiltration systems. The Contractor will be required to adhere to the specific excavation of the subgrade preparation and grading as directed elsewhere in these specifications. 1. Streets: Restore cartway paving disturbed as follows: a. Prepare subgrade in accordance with PennDOT standards and restore with 10 inch thick, high early strength concrete base flush with existing base, topped with a Superpave Binder Course, variable depth, Class PG 64-22, Type A and a Superpave Wearing Course, Class PG 64-22, 1-1/2 inch depth, Type A, flush with existing surface or to lines and grades as directed by PennDOT or Streets. b. Restore at least 4 foot width of paving down to subgrade. 2. Intersections: Prepare subgrade in accordance with PennDOT standards and restore with 10 inch thick, high early strength concrete base flush with existing base, topped with a Superpave Binder Course, variable depth, Class PG 64-22, Type A and a Superpave Wearing Course, Class PG 64-22, 1-1/2 inch depth, Type A, flush with existing surface or to lines and grades as directed by PennDOT or Streets.

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Water / Sewer


Public - City

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Multiple Locations, Philadelphia, PA

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