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Published October 7, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Elizabethtown, Kentucky. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Purpose The Kentucky Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) issues this solicitation with the intent of contracting with a single vendor to provide janitorial services for the Kentucky Court of Justice (KCOJ). B. Background Since the founding of the Commonwealth, the Judicial Branch has been an independent branch of government, separate from the Executive and Legislative branches and from county and city governments. The Judicial Article to the Kentucky Constitution, passed in 1975 and effective in 1976, established Kentucky's current unified court system. The 1975 Judicial Article created the Supreme Court of Kentucky and made the Chief Justice of the Commonwealth the administrative head of the state court system, also known as the Kentucky Court of Justice. The Kentucky Court of Justice (KCOJ) is comprised of two trial courts, Circuit Court and District Court, and two appellate courts, the Court of Appeals and the Supreme Court. The Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) is the administrative and operational arm of the KCOJ. The responsibilities of the AOC include administering the judicial branch budget; building and maintaining court facilities; maintaining court statistics; providing technology services for the KCOJ; providing educational programs for judges, circuit court clerks, and support staff; providing specialty courts and other state wide programs; and administering personnel policies and payroll. The AOC issues solicitations and enters into contracts to purchase goods and services needed throughout the KCOJ. The successful Bidder shall provide janitorial services to the AOC at Hardin County Justice Center located at 200 West Dixie Ave. Elizabethtown, KY 42702 . A contract will be awarded to the successful Bidder. The square footage of the facility is 76,663 Square feet. A floor plan is attached as Exhibit A, Exhibit B and Exhibit C for each floor respectively as well as a bid form Exhibit D. The janitorial service provider must provide all personnel, equipment, tools, cleaning materials, supervision, and other items and services necessary to perform the janitorial (housekeeping) services as described in the specifications detailed herein. The successful Bidder must have and maintain commercial general liability insurance throughout the contract term in the amount of $1 million per occurrence, $2 million aggregate and will be required to file a performance bond. The required result is to maintain the facility in such a manner as to provide a clean, healthy and safe work environment for occupants of the facility. A. Management and Supervision The Contractor must designate a representative who will be responsible for on-site supervision of the Contractor's workforce at all times. This supervisor will be the point of contact with AOC Facilities personnel. It is also the responsibility of the contractor to maintain all equipment in proper working condition and store equipment in well-organized and proper order to the AOC Facilities satisfaction. The Contractor must maintain schedules. The schedules must take into consideration the hours that the staff can effectively perform their services while KCOJ personnel are operating in the facility. All cleaning must be performed between the hours of 6:00 a.m. Eastern time and 8:00 p.m. Eastern time. Contractor must have at least 1 staff person on site at all times during normal facility operating hours to ensure custodial needs are met during this time. For those items other than routine daily services, the Contractor must provide the AOC with a detailed plan as to the personnel to be used and the time frame to perform the service within one (1) week of the bid being awarded. The Contractor is responsible for quality control. The Contractor will perform inspection visits to the work site on a monthly basis in conjunction with an AOC representative. The Contractor will coordinate these visits with the AOC with the time to be determined after a bid has been awarded. The Contractor will be permitted access to areas to be cleaned via card access or physical keys as needed. It is the responsibility of the contractor to maintain these cards and/or keys. ALL communication attempts by the bidder, requests for approval of equal products, questions or requests for explanation concerning the meaning or interpretation of the RFB instructions, specifications, etc., shall be submitted in writing via email to solicitation@kycourts.net on or before October 10 th 2022. The AOC will respond to salient questions in writing by issuing an amendment to the RFB. No addenda of a material nature shall be issued later than seven (7) calendar days prior to the date for receipt of bids, except for addenda postponing the date for receipt of bids or withdrawing the RFB. Potential bidders should clearly understand that any verbal representation made or assumed to be made during any verbal discussions held between bidder's representatives and any KCOJ employee or official is not binding on the AOC. All communications concerning this procurement shall be addressed to the below email: Solicitation@kycourts.net. All questions and inquiries must be submitted electronically to Solicitation@kycourts.net. No phone calls will be accepted nor will voicemails be returned.



Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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120 E Dixie Ave, Elizabethtown, KY

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