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Published November 21, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Millstone, Kentucky. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

Duncan Boggs Drainage HP AMLRP Perry County 40 AG MAM All documents related to this project shall be submitted, transmitted, transferred, reviewed, approved or rejected, and/or otherwise processed using the Owner's Document Collaboration System ( e Communications) which is the Owner's web-based document collaboration system that shall be used by all project participants. No submission, transmittal, transfer, review, approval or processing shall be deemed Official without the use of this system. It is important that requesting firms identify the position of their firm as to the PRIME BIDDER, MISC. SUBCONTRACTOR, MATERIAL SUPPLIER OR OTHER. Bidders are encouraged to take a screen shot verifying bid submittal. This is a secure website, no one can see these bids but the buyers. They are date and time stamped when submitted. Please note that the instructions for MOVE it state that contractors will be notified when their bid is received. Buyers will NOT be notifying contractors. The proposed project, which will disturb approximately 0.5 acre within project boundaries encompassing approximately 0.7 acre, is for the purpose of restoring vehicular access to the Duncan Boggs residence. Reclamation actions to take place under this project include the replacement of a drainage culvert beneath the Boggs driveway (which is routed along the top of an abandoned sediment structure) that was washed away during the severe regional flooding that occurred at the end of July, 2022. A section of 48" diameter culvert will be placed with headwalls at either end, and the destroyed portion of the embankment will be rebuilt with ClassII stone. Resurfacing the gravel-paved access drive will complete the project. Remnants of the original sediment structure spillway, which are located at the bottom of the erosion trench through the embankment, will be removed prior to placement of the new drain structure. The project is not for the purpose or reconstructing a "dam", and the embankment will not retain any impoundment following this project. All disturbed areas within the project area will be revegetated using the standard AML Residential seed mixture appropriate to the season. Those areas maintained as residential lawn prior to the project will receive extra care to establish a smooth, even surface free of protruding stones that can readily be maintained as residential lawn after the project. The area to be disturbed by this project has previously been disturbed to a depth of several feet by a combination of coal mining, mining related construction, residential construction, and road construction. The proposed project will not cause any direct disturbance to any streams, and strict implementation and enforcement of standard AML sediment and erosion control Best Management Practices (BMPs) will prevent significant amounts of sediments disturbed by project-related actions from entering area streams to cause indirect impacts to area streams. The project will not disturb any caves or cave-like habitats, including underground mine openings or workings, and will not disturb any trees or forested habitats that are tenable as habitats for bats or other rare and endangered species.


Water / Sewer


Public - State/Provincial

Site Work





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November 3, 2022

November 4, 2022


Board Rd, Millstone, KY

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