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Published June 5, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Des Moines, Iowa. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

Des Moines Water Works (DMWW) is in the initial planning stage of a project entitled FD 5 kV Switch Gear Controls and is requesting submittals from engineering design firms who can demonstrate they have the required resources, experience, and qualifications for the project. The planning study will provide an in-depth analysis, including the following tasks, of the modifications required to upgrade the 5 kV switchgear and controls system. Perform a condition assessment of current 5 kV equipment o Metal-clad outdoor switchgear o Synchronizing and generator control panels o Relays, safety switches, breakers, etc. o Battery (DC) system o Generator Evaluate switchgear and controls options to replace and/or upgrade the mission critical equipment o The redundant GE Fanuc 90-30 PLCs in the synchronizing panel are obsolete and needs to be replaced at a minimum o Need to look at other components to determine if need replacement: governor, voltage regulator, relays, whole panels, etc o Install HMI screen with communication to SCADA for information o Replacement of battery bank o Replacement of day tank controller o Replace air starter with battery starter on generator o Develop cost estimates associated with each option o Provide recommendations in a report If there are questions regarding the above, please direct your inquiries to Lindsey Wanderscheid, Engineering Supervisor, 515-664-1182. As of January 5, 2024, the general contractor firms have been awarded. Construction is slated to begin Fall of 2024. However, the firm construction timeline has not been released. The completion timeline has not been disclosed.




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November 1, 2024


Fleur Dr, Des Moines, IA

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