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Site work for a civil project in Magdalena, New Mexico. Working plans call for site work for a bridge / tunnel; and water / sewer project.

CANCELLED: This solicitation has been cancelled with plans to re-solicit at a later time and an updated scope of work. As per the Owner the project has been cancelled. Editorial Content Team is actively seeking updated information The tasks below are labeled to correspond with the attached map 'Soil Burn Severity with Treatments'. All tasks are subject to FP14 specifications unless modified by the attached Forest Service Supplemental Specifications. RT1a - ROAD DRAINAGE RESTORATION & REPAIR Objective: Restore drainage feature (typically ditch line and cross-drain culvert) capacity in the road prism to pass increased postfire flows more effectively and expedite return of flows to adjacent drainages with minimal erosion of the road prism and sedimentation into downstream drainages. Description: Clear ditches of small trees growing in ditch, obstructions (rocks & logs), and sediment. Clean culvert catch basins/inlets/outlets/inside of pipes and cut open crushed culvert inlet/outlets. Usually accomplished with a backhoe for drainage excavations accompanied by a grader for cleaning sediment from ditch lines. Location: NFSR 549 RT1b - ROAD DRAINAGE (NEW DRAINAGE FEATURE, UNARMORED DRAIN OR CRITICAL DIP) Objective: Expedite flow from upslope, ditch lines, and/or overwhelmed cross drain culverts across road prism with minimal erosion of the road prism and sedimentation into watersheds below. Description: Installation of rolling drain dips, usually cut in with a dozer but can be assisted by a grader for final grading. Drain dips on ML3 roads should be large enough to pass significant post-fire flow and sloped to accommodate large vehicles such as log trucks. Drain dips on ML2 roads should be sloped to accommodate high clearance 4x4 vehicles. Location: NFSR 96, 549 RT12 - FILL SLOPE STABILIZATION (RIPRAP ARMORING) Objective: Protect outflow of existing drain dips and/or fill slopes of roads located in road sags likely to experience increased postfire sediment laden flows. Description: Install riprap armoring on down-stream fill slopes of drain dips or road fill slopes. Location: NFSR 549 RT15 - CLEAN STRUCTURE, CATTLEGUARD Objective: Restore drainage feature capacity in the road prism to pass increased post-fire flows more effectively and expedite return of flows to adjacent drainages with minimal erosion of the road prism and sedimentation into downstream reach of ditch and or channel. Description: Remove top of cattleguard and clean sediment that has settled. Usually accomplished with a backhoe for drainage excavations or can be conducted using hand tools. Location/Suitable Sites: NFSR 28, 73, 219, 549 P6-A - EARTHEN DAMN PROTECTION Objective: Prevent water site locations from damage due to burned area post fire flows. Description: Install riprap armoring adjacent to road dam abutment. Riprap is typically installed by an excavator and needs to be keyed into the slope to be effective. Location/Suitable Sites: NFSR 219 at Bitter Tank and Scrapes Tank SUBMITTALS Copy of sieve test results, analyzed within the past year, of riprap a minimum of 10 days prior to use, for approval of material. Original or copies of all truck delivery weight tickets (must be legible) within 10 days after delivery on-site. DIRECTIONS TO PROJECT AREA FROM MAGDALENA, NM Travel West on US-60W from Magdalena for approximately 12 miles. Turn left on to NFSR 549 and travel South for approximately 13 miles to the Monica Saddle and start of the project area. Bear Trap - Burn Area Emergency Response Treatments-See Attached RFQ and attachments for details. ALL QUOTES SHALL BE EMAILED TO: BREANNE.PARKER@USDA.GOV ON OR BEFORE OCTOBER 17, 2022, 2:00 PM PACIFIC TIME. Since all documents will be submitted to me electronically. Please follow this naming convention for your attachments: 12363N22Q4108-2022Cibola-VendorName-Quote Or 12363N22Q4108-2022Cibola-VendorName-Technical. Be sure to fill out all required documentation. Required to be filled in below: Company Name: POC Name: Phone number: Email: UEI SAM # Disclosure of the Magnitude of Construction Project: Between $10,000 and $20,000 Technical POC/COR: Linda Trujillo, Matthew Sedillos, or Patrick Burkett , Telephone Number: 575-854-2281 Email: Contractual POC: Breanne Parker Contracting Officer, 541-805-4611 Delivery: 30 Days After Notice to Proceed Delivery Location Code: 8390 USDA FOREST SERVICE MAGDALENA RANGER DISTRICT P O BOX 45 203 1ST STREET MAGDALENA NM 87825-0001 US Period of Performance: 10/19/2022 to 11/18/2022 0001 Bear Trap Burn Area Emergency Response Treatments This is a combined synopsis/solicitation for commercial products or commercial services prepared in accordance with the format in subpart 12.6, as supplemented with additional information included in this notice. This announcement constitutes the only solicitation; proposals are being requested and a written solicitation will not be issued. Commencement, Prosecution, and Completion of Work (APR 1984) The Contractor shall be required to (a) commence work under this contract within 30 calendar days after the date the Contractor receives the notice to proceed, (b) prosecute the work diligently, and (c) complete the entire work ready for use not later than 30 Calendar Days after the date the contractor receives the notice to proceed. The time stated for completion shall include final cleanup of the premises. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.

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October 17, 2022

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NFSR 549, Magdalena, NM

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