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Grand County School District seeks a statement of interest and qualifications from qualified architectural firms for architectural and engineering services for upcoming projects requiring these types of services. The Projects are as follows: o Complete exterior master plan for Grand County High School extra-curricular fields, restrooms, storage, traffic flow, parking, and ADA accessibility. o Any projects that are prioritized by the district from the master plan developed. Building new storage facilities Building new restrooms ADA accessibility, sidewalks, facilities access Re-locating sports facilities Parking lots Miscellaneous projects to complete the exterior facilities o Complete exterior master plan for HMK Elementary School playground fields, shade structures, storage, traffic flow for picking up and dropping off students, parking, and ADA accessibility. o Any projects that are prioritized by the district from the master plan developed. Building new permanent shade structures Expanding existing playground equipment opportunities Expanding the parent drop off and pick up areas New ADA accessibility and parking New visitor parking Leveling of areas for playground sports fields o New Preschool o The goal is to construct a new pre-school with 60-80 student capacity. The school site is yet to be determined, but there are sites available. The new school site will need to facilitate playgrounds, busing, parent drop-off, student pedestrian traffic, along with adequate staff and visitor parking. Facilities will need to be fully integrated with pre-school life and learning activities. o Other projects as identified by the 10-year district building committee. Question Submission Close Date 10/3/2022 9:05 AM MDT Grand County School District seeks a statement of interest and qualifications from qualified architectural firms for architectural and engineering services for upcoming projects requiring these types of services. Except as authorized by the Business Administrator or as otherwise stated in this RFSQ communication during the selection process including questions, interpretations, or clarifications of this RFSQ shall be submitted electronically via email to the Business Administrator, to Any contact of board members or other district employees is prohibited unless given specific authorization from the Business Administrator. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time



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November 8, 2023


Multiple Locations, Moab, UT

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