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Published November 3, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a playground / park / athletic field in Glasgow, Kentucky. Working plans call for the construction of a playground / park / athletic field; and for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

This Design/Build Project consists of the new construction of Public Park Bathrooms and must be to specifications unless noted. All voluntary alternates will be evaluated and considered. The proposing general contractor shall outline in writing any voluntary alternates to the owner at the time of proposal. It is the responsibility of the bidding contractor(s) to complete a design as if required for the respective trade. This includes but is not limited to, civil designs, structural foundations, architectural design, pre-engineered metal building, plumbing, mechanical systems, and electrical systems. This fee shall be included in the base bid proposal. It is the responsibility of the proposing general contractor to determine the services that will be required for this project. Proposing contractor shall be responsible for all applicable permits to complete this project. It is the responsibility of the contractor to pre-determine this prior to proposal. All proposing contractors shall turn in the following documents in a sealed envelope marked: DIVISIONAL DETAILED SCOPE OF WORK Bidding Documents The proposing contractor shall include the following allowances in their base bid proposal: Special Inspections (Chapter 17 of KBC) $10,500.00. Proposing sub-contractors are responsible for determining and including all permit, plan review, and design fees as required by all local, state, federal codes. All materials shown are to be the basis of design Floor slab is to be protected during construction Please note that there are (2) total restrooms: (1) Gorin Park and (1) Twyman Park. Projects are to be bid as (2) separate projects with a lump sum bid option. Base Bid #1 - Gorin Park Restroom Project (1) Base Bid #2 - Twyman Park Restroom Project (1) Alternate Bid #1 - Combination of Both Bids must be submitted, on Bid Form included with the proposal. Bids submitted by facsimile will not be accepted. Any bid received later than the time specified for receipt of bids or any bid which is not submitted in the proper form, shall not be considered. City of Glasgow does abide by Residential Bidder Preference per KRS 45A.490-.494: KAR 5:400. The City of Glasgow - Glasgow Parks & Recreation Department reserves the right to reject any and all bids or to waive any formalities in the bidding process. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of 90 days subsequent to the opening of bids without consent of the City of Glasgow - Glasgow Parks & Recreation Department. The estimated value is showing the maximum end of a range of $200,000 and $220,000

Final Planning

Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

New Construction, Site Work


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Multiple Locations, Glasgow, KY

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