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Published February 9, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a water / sewer project in Hamilton, Ontario. Completed plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project.

PREQUALIFIED firms only - Bidders eligible to submit Bids for this Request for Tenders have been previously selected through the process of a Request for Prequalifications, issued under Contract C14-17-22 which closed on November 3, 2022. The City of Hamilton is seeking a Prequalified Contractor for the cleanout and upgrades of both primary digesters 3 and 5 at the City's Woodward Avenue Wastewater Treatment Plant located at 700 Woodward Avenue, Hamilton, ON, L8H 6P4. The proposed scope generally includes and is not limited to biosolids removal and disposal from within the primary digesters and process piping, provisional concrete repairs within the primary digesters, replacement of waterproofing and steel roof coatings, replacement of mixers and draft tubes for primary digester 5, draft tubes for primary digester 3, exterior roof cover insulation replacement or repair, emergency overflow box drain pipe upsizing, structural and architectural repairs of north control building, and miscellaneous works related to sludge process piping and electrical room gas sealing. 1. Biosolids removal and disposal from within the primary digesters and process piping. 2. Provisional concrete repairs within the primary digesters. 3. Replacement of waterproofing and steel roof coatings. 4. Replacement of mixers and draft tubes for primary digester 5. 5. Replacement of mixer draft tubes for primary digester 3. 6. Exterior roof cover insulation replacement or repair. 7. Emergency overflow box drain pipe upsizing. 8. Replacement of two (2) digester gas valves on digester cover/roof inside the gas hut at both Digester 3 and 5. 9. Modification to the digester cover gas hut ( provision of additional doorway). 10. Remove, store and replace existing hatches including new gasket /seals. 11. Installation and weld inspection of the new secondary emergency relief hatch. 12 Repair any damage to the peripheral seal around top of digester cover as per the contract drawings. 13. Structural and architectural repairs of both north control building. 14. Miscellaneous works related to sludge process piping and electrical room gas sealing. 15. Replace sludge valves in the building. 16 Commissioning of Digester 5 and 3. 17. Miscellaneous work including sealing of the three cables runs at the wall between the existing digester building and the electrical room. 18. Other building repair works as shown on the contract drawings and specified in contract document. Documents may be obtained at https://hamilton.bidsandtenders.ca/


Water / Sewer


Public - City





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November 30, 2023

February 12, 2024


700 Woodward Ave, Hamilton, ON

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