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Demolition, site work and new construction of a fire / police facility in Columbus, Georgia. Design plans call for the demolition of a fire / police facility; for the construction of a 9,000-square-foot fire / police facility; and for site work for a fire / police facility.

As of March 8, 2023, a design team has been selected from the short list of firms but a construction timeline has not been established. *The previous solicitation is listed below for reference. The scope of services for this contract will be broken down into four phases. Phase I of this project will be for preconstruction services during the programming/planning phase. The Owner is contracting with a team of design professionals for programming and planning services to determine the future growth space needs. The Construction Manager will provide cost estimates and constructability reviews for the various options developed by the design professional during the programming phase. Phase II of this project will be preconstruction services during design development. The CM shall actively participate in Design Coordination Meetings with the Design Professional and Owner, for the purpose of collaborating and coordinating the final design and Construction Documents. The CM is responsible to cooperate and assist in the coordination of the development of the design of the Project within the budgeted cost and schedule. The objective of the coordination is to assure that the design meets the Owner's Program in all respects. Phase III of this project will be the construction phase where the selected Construction Manager shall serve as the General Contractor. Prior to the commencement of construction, the CM shall propose a Guaranteed Maximum Price to complete the project. The CM will be responsible for all coordination, construction means and methods, and Quality Control necessary to complete the project in accordance with the approved Construction Documents. Questions and Requests for Clarification will be received until five business days prior to the proposal due date. Questions and requests for clarification must be submitted After negotiations, the award recommendation must be presented to Columbus City Council for final approval. Award will be made to the responsible offeror whose proposal is determined to be the most advantageous to the City, taking into consideration total cost (if determined) and all other evaluation factors set forth in the Request for Proposals. All questions or clarifications concerning this solicitation shall be submitted in writing. The city will not orally or telephonically address any question or clarification regarding bid/proposal specifications. If a vendor visits or calls the purchasing division with such questions, he or she will be instructed to submit the questions in writing. All contact concerning this solicitation shall be made through the purchasing division. Bidders shall not contact city employees, department heads, using agencies, evaluation committee members or elected officials with questions or any other concerns about the solicitation. Questions, clarifications, or concerns shall be submitted to the purchasing division in writing. If it is necessary that a technical question needs addressing, the purchasing division will forward such to the using agency, who will submit a written response. The purchasing division will forward written responses to the respective bidder or if it becomes necessary to revise any part of this solicitation, a written addendum will be issued to all bidders. The city is not bound by any oral representations, clarifications, or changes made to the written specifications by city employees, Unless such clarification or change is provided to the bidders in a written addendum from the purchasing manager. Bidders are instructed to use the enclosed question/clarification form to fax or email question. Any request, after a solicitation has closed and pending award must also be submitted in writing to the purchasing division. After council approval, a contract based on the negotiations (if negotiations were necessary) will be drawn and signed by all necessary parties. If Council does not approve the award, it may direct that further negotiations may take place with the recommended offeror, or that negotiations begin with the next most qualified offeror. Council may also exercise the option to reject all offers and instruct the Purchasing Manager to begin the procurement process again. The contract file shall contain the basis on which the award is made. After contract award, the contract file, will be made public. Unsuccessful offerors will be afforded the opportunity to make an appointment with the purchasing division for a debriefing. After the award, the contract file and the unsuccessful proposals will become subject to disclosure under the Georgia Open Records Act. After award of contract by Columbus Council, awarded vendor will be notified to provide one identical hard copy of submitted proposal with original signatures. The awarded vendor will receive a digital copy of the executed contract. It is the desire of the Owner to incorporate sustainable design and construction concepts in the project. The preliminary Stated Cost Limitation (SCL) or construction cost of the new Fire Station #5 Project has not been finalized but is estimated to be $5,000,000. The final SCL may be revised by the Owner due to final programmatic requirements, funding availability or other circumstances. The Owner anticipates Phase I services and design process to start in January 2023 depending on the availability of funding. Construction Documents are anticipated to be completed in Q3 of 2023 with construction starting in the end of the 2023 calendar year and take approximately 18 months to complete. Estimated Schedule of Events - Projected Date - Projected Time Owner issues public advertisement of RFQ 10/6/22 Deadline for submission of written questions/requests for clarification 10/21/22 Owner completes evaluation, posts results, and issues Notification to Finalist Firms 11/18/22 Owner conducts mandatory pre-proposal site-visit / conference for finalist firms 11/29/22 Deadline for submission of written questions from finalists 12/5/22 Owner interviews finalist firms 12/16/22 The City shall not be held liable for any expenses incurred by the respondent in preparing and submitting the proposal and/or attendance at any interviews, final contract negotiations or applicable site visits. The City reserves the right to award this project or to reject any and all proposals; whichever is in the best interest of the City. The City reserves the right to deduct, from payments to awarded vendor(s), any amount owed to the City for various fees, to include, but not limited to: False Alarm fees, Ambulance fees, Occupation License Fees, Landfill fees, etc. The City reserves the right to seek request for proposals in a shorter period, if necessary, as determined by the Purchasing Manager. The City reserves the right to mail or e-mail invitations directly to vendors under the following circumstances: Solicitations for specialized equipment/supplies, Solicitations for specialized services, Re-bid of solicitations where normal advertising procedures netted no responses, Whenever deemed necessary by the purchasing manager. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time *Project information, including timeline and contacts, has been obtained through public sources. The content management team continues to pursue additional details; however, the contact(s) listed have yet to disclose or confirm any information. Inquiries should be directed to the contact(s) listed.


Fire / Police


Public - City

Demolition, New Construction, Site Work

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December 1, 2023


6700 Lynch Rd, Columbus, GA

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