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Published November 4, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a playground / park / athletic field in Harvard, Massachusetts. Completed plans call for the renovation of a playground / park / athletic field.

Pre Bid Conference: NON Mandatory at the site: Beach House, Pond Road Harvard MA 01451. Bulletin Desc: Construct platform and ramp to provide access to 1 bathroom, and alter said bathroom to bring it into ADA compliance. Questions can be directed to Marie Sobalvarro (msobalvarro@harvard-ma.gov) or 978-456-4100 x330. Demo and prep to existing concrete apron on the waterside of the building, Construction of a new raised platform to meet the threshold of the bathroom in the southwest corner of the building. This platform will start at the edge of the roll up door next to the bathroom door and run 48" beyond the end corner of the building for a combined length of approximately 12'6". The width of this platform from the waterside face of the building out will be 72" .Where the platform extends beyond the south wall of the building 60" will be the point where the ramp run starts and slopes down to existing grade no steeper than 8.3% (approximate 8'2" run).Ramp to have paired handrails on both sides. One at 18-20" and other at 34-38" to top of handrail with 12" extension at top and bottom. Maintain 1 1/2 " wall clearance continuous for handrails. Edge curbs or protection required. Tactile accessible signage per CMR 521 (chapter 41) for toilet room. Door hardware shall be operable with one hand, be mounted between 36-48" .Door shall have a closing speed no less than 6 seconds and swing out, Existing bathroom door width will need to be increased to have min of 32" clear width new door, Partial height CMU interior walls to be removed, Water closet stall to be 60" wide by 72" deep with water closet located on 60" wall, Door stall width to be min 32" clear width, self-closing hinge; pull device on both sides and lock mounted at 36". 18" of clear space on latch side of door. Coat hook at max 54". Two grab bars, 42" long. One on back wall above water closet, one on side wall closest to water closet. Grab bar diameter 1 1/4 "-1 1/2 " with 1 1/2 " between wall and bar with nothing mounted above. Clear floor space in water closet 30" x 48". Toilet height 17" - 19" to top of seat with flush control mounted on wide side no greater than 44". Toilet paper dispensers mounted on side wall closest to toilet, not above grab bars. 60" clear floor space at sink with no more than 19" underneath sink. 30"x48" forward approach. Rim of sink no greater than 34" with sink a min of 17" from wall to front of sink. Knee clearance is min of 27" from floor to underneath sink and 8" from front to back (deep). Min 9" toe clearance. Piping shall be recessed, insulated or guarded. Faucets shall be operable with one hand. If self-closing valves, must be open min of 10 seconds, Mirror shall be mounted so that the reflecting surface is no greater than 40", Dispensers mounted max of 42", operable with one fist and within the reach zone


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City


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Pond Rd, Harvard, MA

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