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Renovation of a detention facility in Madison, Maine. Completed plans call for the renovation of a detention facility.

As of November 22, 2022, this project has not yet been awarded. A timeline for award has not yet been established. Somerset County is requesting proposals to supply and install a new Surveillance & Access Control / Door Control (PLC) system for the Somerset County Jail located at 131 East Madison Road, Madison, Maine. The Project will be awarded at the next regularly scheduled Commissioners Meeting. The Somerset County Commissioners reserve the right to accept or reject any and all bid proposals deemed to be in the best interest of Somerset County. II. SCOPE OF SERVICES 1. Replace entire surveillance system with the following: o 91 vandal-rated, interior/exterior, domes with minimum resolution of 4MP o 6 Interior 2MP PTZ cameras o 5 exterior 4k resolution PTZ cameras o 3 360-degree multi-imager exterior cameras o 5 corner mount, non-ligature cameras for OB cells o Provide and install all associated mounting hardware 2. Provide two servers capable of processing all streams and having video retention of 45 days minimum at 15fps constant recording. 3. Configure video management system to directly integrate with PLC and Touch Screen controls to pull up cameras for callbox locations and graphic icons on screen. 4. Reconfigure Wonderware touch screen software to reflect new and accurate camera locations. 5. Upgrade WinDSX access control software to latest version. 6. Upgrade Wonderware System Platform Galaxy and Wonderware Historian to latest versions (Sys Platform 2020 R2 SP1, and Historian 2020 R2 SP1). 7. Provide new servers for software above (WinDSX, Wonderware) so hosting can be removed from VMWare / Hyper-V stack. 8. Adjust licensing to remove tablets that have been out of use. 9. Replace all control units in pods and central control with new thin client machines to point to server and load proper runtime at boot. 10. Provide and pull all necessary cables including: o New CAT6 lines to one hundred ten (110) cameras, terminations required o Four (4) 24 port patch panels o One (1) 48 port patch panel 11. Customer to provide PoE network switches, UPS power, and monitors. 12. Customer to provide new video workstations - Vendor to provide recommended hardware configuration. 13. Proposal includes first year of licensing for support, successive years will be a separate support agreement. The bids will be opened at the Commissioner's Meeting of November 2, 2022 at 3:00 PM. The Project will be awarded at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Somerset County Commissioners on November 16, 2022. 1. Independent Contractor: Throughout the performance of this project, you are acting as an independent contractor and not as an officer, employee, or agent of the County of Somerset. Additional personnel needed by you to fulfill your duties under this project shall be employed or retained by you, and you are solely responsible for complying with all applicable state and federal laws including but not limited to Workers' Compensation law, employment security law and minimum wage law. As an independent contractor, you are responsible for maintaining your vehicle and equipment in a safe and legal condition. 2. Insurance: The contractor awarded the project agrees to maintain, throughout the term of the project, a minimum of $1,000,000 for liability coverage and sufficient coverage for automobile insurance until the work is completed and accepted by the County Commissioners. This shall include coverage for personal injury, death and property damages resulting from your acts or omissions in the performance of this contract. You further agree to furnish the County Commissioners with a certificate of insurance within ten (10) working days after receipt of notice of acceptance. The contractor agrees to name Somerset County as an additional insured on all applicable insurance policies. 3. Bonding: Pursuant to MRSA Title 14 871 (3), the contractor is required to furnish a progressive payment and performance bond satisfactory to Somerset County in the sum of 100% of the contract price. The County Commissioner are authorized to set reasonable standards to insure the best interest of Somerset County. 4. Warranties: The contractor guarantees that the work to be done under this project and the materials to be furnished by the supplier for use in the construction of the same shall be free from defects or flaws for a period of one year from the date of completion. 5. Indemnification: The Contractor agrees to hold Somerset County harmless from any claim for death, injury, property damage or other loss which may result from the Contractor's acts or omissions in the performance of the contract. In the event that such claim is made against the County, the Contractor shall pay any legal fees incurred to defend Somerset County, and the Contractor shall pay any amount (indemnify) for which we are held liable. 6. Bills and Claims: As an independent contractor, you are responsible for all bills and claims for labor, material, equipment, fuel and other items which are incurred in the performance of this contract. The County of Somerset will not pay such bills or claims. 7. Assignment: The Contractor may not sell, transfer or otherwise assign duties under this project to any other person or entity without the written consent of the Somerset County Commissioners. 8. Supervision and Control: As an independent contractor, you have the right and duty to supervise your own employees, agents, and equipment. The County Commissioners and or their Designee have the right to inspect your activities under this project and will notify you of problems, inadequacies or non-performance. 9. Breach of Contract: If you fail to perform according to the terms of this contract in the time and matter specified, that failure is a breach of contract. In the event of a breach, the County of Somerset shall provide you with a written notice stating the nature of the breach and the amount of time you have to perform or complete the work. In the event that you are unable or unwilling to perform your duties in the time stated in the notice, the County Commissioners have the following options: a. Terminate the Contract: We may terminate this contract by sending you a written notice of the reason for termination. You will be paid for all work which is satisfactorily done by that time, but the remainder of the money due under this contract may be used to hire another contractor to perform the work. b. Substitution: We may hire a substitute contractor to perform your duties for any period of time we deem necessary. This substitute will be paid with the money due to you (but unearned) according to the payment terms established (See Section 9). c. Other Remedies: We may also seek any other legal or equitable remedy available to enforce this contract. In the event that we bring suit against you to enforce this contract, and prevail on our claim, you will reimburse our costs and attorney's fees incurred in that action. 10. Termination by Mutual Agreement: The Parties may agree in writing to terminate this Contract.

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Jails / Prisons


Public - County


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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131 E Madison Rd, Madison, ME

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