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Published December 21, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a conference / convention center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for the renovation of a conference / convention center.

This will be for a conference room that is approximately 14X30. 1) Three (3) - 55" monitors, on separate walls around the conference room. 2) Ceiling mounted conference microphones. 3) Wireless room control tablet for the conference table. 4) Two (2) separate inputs for PCs to be able to display in the room. 5) Casting capabilities. 6) Sound amplification. 7) Teams' integration with a camera capable of tracking to who is speaking. 8) Analog conference calling capabilities built into the system. For these quotes we would like a minimum of a 3 to 5-year maintenance option along with warranty details for all components. At minimum, the maintenance contract will include quarterly maintenance visits, and any emergency requests for resolution will be serviced within 2 days of the initial call. All electric and communications drops will be in place ready for use and will be completed by DMVA. The contractor will only have to mount and install monitors and all other equipment, patch and plug in equipment along with working with DVVH IT staff to install software, conduct training, and test the product. We will require one-time on-site end user training. In addition to the training, the awarded contractor shall provide a written instruction manual with pictures. DVVH screens all visitors and contractors for signs and symptoms of covid. We ask for vaccine status and copies of their cards. Any unvaccinated contractors are rapid tested upon arrival. All who enter are required to wear a mask when in the facility. The Commonwealth is requesting that all responses to this RFI be submitted by 0800 hrs. on October 31, 2022 All submissions and contacts concerning this solicitation must be sent to or made with: Contracting Officer: Lori Richards Email To: rlori@pa.gov NOTE: This is an RFI – Request for Information and will not result in a contract award. A solicitation for a contract may be issued at a later date. The Commonwealth reserves the right to consider or reject any, and all responses to this Request, to amend and/or reissue this Request and to abandon and then recommence at any time, or not recommence, this process. All costs of any response to this Request and participation in any presentations to the Commonwealth are solely the responsibility of the Respondent and the Commonwealth shall not be liable for payment of any such costs


Conference / Convention Centers


Public - State/Provincial


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October 31, 2022

December 1, 2022


2701 Southampton Rd, Philadelphia, PA

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