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Published December 19, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a road / highway in San Diego, Texas. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway.

San Diego ISD invites your submittal on RFP No. 22/23 - 002 - Collins-Parr Elementary Chain Link Fence and Installation Services. IT IS UNDERSTOOD San Diego ISD reserves the right to reject any or all submittals for any or all products and/or services covered in this Request for Proposals and to waive informalities or defects in submittals or to accept such submittals as it shall deem to be in the best interest of S a n D i e g o Independent School District. Submittals will be opened and recorded publicly immediately after the closing time; however, submittals will not be available for public inspection until a contract is awarded. Sa n Die go ISD Board of Trustees will not award on opening but after study and consideration of submittals. The District is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, gender, marital, veteran or handicapped status in the employment or provision of services. Per Education Code 44.031, the District will utilize either Competitive Bid, Competitive Sealed Proposal, or Request for Proposal in providing the best value for the District. In determining to whom to award, the District shall consider: 1. Selection Criteria: The criteria for evaluation and selection of the successful Offeror will be based on the following: A. (250 Pts.) The Offeror's monetary proposal. B. Other criteria to be submitted as part of the Competitive Sealed Proposal. 1. (10 Pts.) Number of years your organization has been in business as a General Contractor. 2. (10 Pts.) Number of years your organization has been in business under its present business name. 3. (20 Pts.) Are there any judgments, claims, mediation proceedings, arbitration proceedings or suits pending or outstanding against your organization or its officer If yes, attach details. 4. (20 Pts.) Has your organization filed any lawsuits or requested mediation or arbitration with regard to a project or potential project within the last five years 5. (50 Pts) On a separate sheet, list major projects your organization has in progress, giving the name of the project, owner and phone number, architect and phone number, contract amount, and scheduled completion date. 6. (50 Pts.) On a separate sheet, list comparable or larger projects your organization has competed in the past three to five years, giving the name of the project, owner and phone number, architect and phone number, contract amount and year of completion. 7. (50 Pts.) Have you defaulted or not performed on a project within the last 10 years If yes, attach details. Fencing Materials Specs: Furnish and install 652 LF of new 6' tall galvanized chain link fence plus a total of eight (8) gates. FENCE 2-7/8" OD x sch. 40 terminal posts Terminal posts set in 12" x 36" concrete footings 1-7/8" OD x sch. 40 line posts every 10' Line posts set in 8" x 32" concrete footings 1-5/8" OD x sch. 40 top rail 1-5/8" OD x sch. 40 brace rail at terminal posts Truss rod and tightener assemblies at every brace rail 6' x 9 gauge fence fabric 7 gauge bottom tension wire PEDESTRIAN GATE - 1 EA For 5' opening At Drop-off sidewalk 2-7/8" OD x sch. 40 gate posts Posts set in 12" x 42" concrete footings 1-7/8" OD x sch. 40 gate frame Heavy duty hinges Heavy duty latch SINGLE SWING GATE - 2 EA For 15' opening At Early Learning Entry & Exit 4" OD x sch. 40 gate posts Posts set in 16" x 48" concrete footings 1-7/8" OD x sch. 40 gate frame Heavy duty hinges Heavy duty latch Gate hold back devices to hold gate in open position DOUBLE SWING GATE - 5 EA For 25' opening At Drop off Entry & Exit, Kinder Pick-up, Faculty Parking Entry & Exit 4" OD x sch. 40 gate posts Posts set in 16" x 48" concrete footings 1-7/8" OD x sch. 40 gate frame Heavy duty hinges Heavy duty latch Gate hold back devices to hold gate in open position REPAIR EXISTING FENCE Remove/replace (1) 2-3/8" OD terminal post Remove/replace (1) 1-7/8" OD line post Remove/replace 30 LF of 5' fence fabric For additional information on the products/materials described, contact the Maintenance Director Albeso Tunchez at 361-562-3638


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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November 4, 2022

December 5, 2022


To Be Determined, San Diego, TX

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