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Published October 10, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Cromwell, Connecticut. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Town of Cromwell (hereafter Town) on behalf of the Cromwell Middle School Building Committee (hereafter CMSBC) is seeking to contract with a qualified commissioning agent (hereafter CxA) to provide commissioning services in close connection with the project architect (hereafter A/E Firm) and project manager (hereafter PM) for school building projects for a new, grades 6 - 8 middle school and Board of Education Central Office. The project architect is Perkins-Eastman and the Project Manager is Arcadis US, Inc. The construction delivery will be Construction Management at Risk. The Construction Manager (hereafter CM) has not yet been selected. For State of Connecticut grant application purposes, the project consists of two separate applications; the Middle School New School Project and the Board of Education Central Office (included in the new construction). The Town passed a referendum in June, 2022, authorizing a not to exceed sum of $58,600,000 (inclusive of all project costs) for the combined projects. The existing Cromwell Middle School and Board of Education Central Office will remain occupied throughout the new construction projects. The school projects will require commissioning services consistent with the Connecticut Department of Administrative Services Capital Projects High Performance Buildings Standards. The selected CxA will work with the CMSBC, the A/E Firm, the PM, and the CM. For additional project information see the Cromwell Building Committee website. The intent of this RFQ/RFP is to secure an independent commissioning a (CxA) for the school projects. The CxA will serve as an independent agent as a consultant to the Town / CMSBC free of conflict from the design and construction activities of the school projects. The Owner is committed to commissioning its facilities so that they operate efficiently and effectively in accordance with the Owner's requirements for the projects, and that the facilities staff has adequate system documentation and training. It is the intent of the Owner to ensure that the fundamental systems are calibrated and operating as required to deliver functional and efficient performance. The CxA will plan, manage, perform and report on the commissioning activities, utilizing the reporting formats and standardized forms provided by the CxA whenever required. The CxA will submit deliverable reports to the Owner through the PM according to a project schedule set by the CxA and agreed upon by the Owner. Consistent with Connecticut State Statute, the CMSBC will develop a short list of no more than four (4) most highly qualified firms. All CxAs will then be notified in writing of their status. The CMSBC will then interview the selected firms. The CxAs will do an oral presentation not to exceed fifteen (15) minutes followed by fifteen (15) minutes for Building Committee member questions.



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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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October 21, 2023


Multiple Locations, Cromwell, CT

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