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Published January 20, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in South Salt Lake, Utah. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

The installation of approximately 4,489-feet of new 12-inch PVC sewer pipeline with manholes along 300 East; Haven Avenue to Leslie Avenue, Leslie Avenue; 300 East to State Street, and State Street; Leslie Avenue To 2700 South. The total length of pipe includes replacing existing 8 and 10-inch sewers, by-pass pumping, surface restoration, reconnection of service laterals, coordination with UDOT, and incidental work to provide a functioning sewer system. West Temple Sewer Improvements: The installation of approximately 1,848-feet of new 30-inch GFRP sewer pipeline with manholes along West Temple Street; 2400 South to Utopia Avenue. The total length of pipe includes replacing existing 18 sewers, by-pass pumping, surface restoration, reconnection of service laterals, coordination with UTA, installing 75-feet of 30-inch pipe with 40-inch new steel casing jack and bored under UTA tracks, and incidental work to provide a functioning sewer system. Also, the rehabilitation of 1,951-feet of 15-inch VCP and 188-feet of 18-inch VCP sewer trunk line from 2700 South to 2400 South utilizing CIPP and open cut construction of point repairs including the reinstatement of service laterals. Project Estimate is a range of $5,000,000 to $10,000,000. What is shown is the highest end of that range. Questions: Due October 31, 2022 5:00 PM. Questions received less than seven days prior to the date for opening of Bids may not be answered. Only questions answered by Addenda will be binding. Oral and other interpretations or clarifications will be without legal effect 300 East Sewer Improvements: The installation of approximately 4,489-feet of new 12-inch PVC sewer pipeline with manholes along 300 East; Haven Avenue to Leslie Avenue, Leslie Avenue; 300 East To State Street, and State Street; Leslie Avenue To 2700 South. The total length of pipe includes replacing existing 8 and 10-inch sewers, by-pass pumping, surface restoration, reconnection of service laterals, coordination with UDOT, and incidental work to provide a functioning sewer system. West Temple Sewer Improvements: The installation of approximately 1,848-feet of new 30-inch GFRP sewer pipeline with manholes along West Temple Street; 2400 South to Utopia Avenue. The total length of pipe includes replacing existing 18 sewers, by-pass pumping, surface restoration, reconnection of service laterals, coordination with UTA, installing 75-feet of 30-inch pipe with 40-inch new steel casing jack and bored under UTA tracks, and incidental work to provide a functioning sewer system. And the rehabilitation of 1,951-feet of 15-inch VCP and 188- feet of 18-inch VCP sewer trunk line from 2700 South to 2400 South utilizing CIPP and open cut construction of point repairs including the reinstatement of service laterals.


Water / Sewer


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Multiple Locations, South Salt Lake, UT

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