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Published November 11, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a mixed-use development in Euless, Texas. Completed plans call for the construction of a playground / park / athletic field; for site work for a playground / park / athletic field; 2,100-square-foot, one-story above grade pre-engineered storage facility; and pre-engineered storage facility.

Design and Construction Administration and General Contracting Services FOR City of Euless, Texas Parks at Texas Star Athletic Staff Offices Design and construction of renovations to an existing 2100 square foot pre-engineered, metal building to be used for the Parks at Texas Star administrative staff offices. The project will include necessary demolition needed to remodel the existing structure to include new roof, four (4) staff offices each with exterior windows, plumbing for two restroom facilities, reception/lobby space, adequate storage space with exterior roll up door for equipment and supplies, new electrical panel, installation of new sheeting for stucco and brick on outside of building, HVAC, foam insulation underside of deck as well as on exterior walls, exterior storefront entry door with glass, all appropriate building ventilation as well as equipment ventilation in storage area, data and electrical drops for offices, storefront window(s) at entry, acoustical ceiling in office and lobby area, hard deck ceiling above restrooms, appropriate lighting for offices, lobby and storage area, canopy over public entry door, new gutters and down spout, exterior night lighting, LVT flooring and cove base. The project must meet all current ADA requirements, applicable building and all health and safety codes and industry standards. The Design Build Team selected will be expected to design and construct a fully functioning office facility by June 1, 2023. The construction documents shall include, but are not limited to, demo plans, SWPPP documents, site plans, building plans, utility plans, all required mechanical plans, various sections, details, and technical specifications. The City of Euless, Texas, is seeking to engage a Design-Build Team that will provide design, construction administration and general contracting services for a remodel of an existing 2100 square foot pre-engineered, metal building. The one-story building will serve as the administrative offices for the Parks at Texas Star administrative staff. The City is proposing to begin construction of these facilities in 2022 with a completion date of June 1, 2023. The City will not be bound by any information conveyed verbally. The City will provide, in writing, any clarifications, changes and/or other information deemed to be necessary to this RFQ. The City of Euless reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive informalities.


Warehouse / Distribution - Pre-Engineered Storage Building


Public - City

New Construction, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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November 10, 2022

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Multiple Locations, Euless, TX

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