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Published October 11, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a sidewalk / parking lot in Statesboro, Georgia. Conceptual plans call for site work for a sidewalk / parking lot; and for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot.

The City of Statesboro Engineering Department is requesting for proposals, engineering design services for sidewalk improvements along North Zetterower Avenue from Hill Street to Highway 80 (Northside Drive). This project will consist of a 5 sidewalk from Hill St. to Northside Dr. (HWY 80). This project consists of completing a sidewalk along the full length of Zetterower continuously. This is a major city route with heavy traffic, including large trucks. This sidewalk will give pedestrians a safe place to walk along this corridor. Design plans shall be in Georgia Department of Transportation format and all design shall be in accordance with the latest AASHTO, MUTCD and Georgia Department of Transportation Standards and Specifications. Deliverables shall include: Topographic and project survey including State Plane Coordinates Hydrology study or storm water management plan addressing all drainage needs Recorded Plats for easements and required ROW including legal descriptions. Staking of any required right-of-way and easements. Acquiring any required GDOT encroachment permits A construction cost estimate to be used for bid tabulation. The format shall be a MS Excel spreadsheet. To be submitted at completion of Preliminary Design then updated for Final Design and Construction Letting. An electronic copy of files and drawings in AutoCAD format upon acceptance of the completed plans. Complete Construction Plans in GDOT Plan Presentation Guide (PPG) Format to include: Submittals for review at 30%, 60% and 90% Cover Sheet with PE Stamp Index of Drawings General Notes Typical Sections Summary of Quantities Plan and Profile Grading and Drainage Plans Drainage Profiles Driveway Profiles Retaining wall plans Cross Sections at 50 intervals Utility Plans based on SUE Level C Signing and Marking Plans GSWCC approved Erosion Control plans in accordance with latest NPDES and Georgia EPD requirements. Construction Standards and Details Right of way plans Since this is a request for proposal (RFP) format, all submitted sealed bids shall be evaluated by the following criteria: (Submittals will be evaluated on a 100 point scale and ranked. At this point, submittals will receive and overall ranking. (Example: 1-10 in the event of 10 submittals) Experience with similar projects (Please list projects in detail) 25% Staff assigned to the project and their credentials 15% Cost 25% References complete with detailed contact information 10% Proposed methodology of project management and completion. 25% The City expects the design plans for the project to be completed by January 2023, so that any right-of-way or construction easement acquisition can take place shortly after and construction can commence as early as possible. All questions must be submitted in writing by 5:00 PM EST on Wednesday, October 19, 2022. Please reference the name of this RFP. Questions received after this deadline will not be answered. For information regarding this process, please contact Darren Prather, Director of Central Services, via email at darren.prather@statesboroga.gov or by telephone at (912) 764 - 0642. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.


Sidewalks / Parking Lot


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

Plans and Specifications are not available for this project. If that changes, they will be made available here.

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October 25, 2023


N Zetterower Ave, Statesboro, GA

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