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Published December 12, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation and addition to an educational facility in Wayne, Michigan. Completed plans call for the addition of a educational facility; and for the renovation of a educational facility.

The proposed project consists of an addition and pavement improvements at Elliott Elementary School in Westland, Michigan. A single-story, slab-on-grade addition will be constructed at the north side of the existing building which will be utilized as a multipurpose gymnasium and office/storage space. New bituminous concrete pavements will be constructed adjacent to the east and west sides of the addition. and the existing bituminous pavement beyond the new pavement adjacent to the addition and south and west of the existing school are to be milled 2 inches to allow placement of a 2-inch thick overlay (MDOT 5E1). The proposed project consists of an addition and pavement improvements at Hicks Elementary School in Inkster, Michigan. A single-story, slab-on-grade addition will be constructed at the northeast side of the existing building which will be utilized as a multipurpose gymnasium and office/storage space. The addition will have a finished floor elevation of 639.14 feet. The proposed project consists of an addition and pavement improvements at Roosevelt-McGrath Elementary in Wayne, Michigan. A single-story, slab-on-grade addition will be constructed at the west side of the building which will be utilized as a multipurpose gymnasium and office/storage space. The addition will have a finished floor elevation of 665.67 feet. The existing pavements will be reconfigured and reconstructed. Additionally, a new parking lot will be constructed east of the school. Four areas throughout the property are being evaluated for infiltration potential. This Bid Package will consist of separate sealed bids for the following Bid Divisions: 101: Earthwork / Site Utilities 102: Asphalt Paving / Site Concrete 103: Selective Demolition 104: Concrete Footings & Foundations 105: Interior Concrete Flatwork 106: Masonry 107: Steel 108: Carpentry / General Trades 109: Roofing / Sheetmetal 112: Caulking 114: Aluminum Entrances / Storefront / Glass & Glazing 115: Metal Stud / Drywall / Acoustical Treatments 116: Hard Tile 118: Carpet / Resilient Tile Flooring 120: Painting 122: Signage 128: Prefabricated Casework 130: Window Treatments 131: Gymnasium Equipment 137: Food Service Equipment 140: Plumbing 142: HVAC (Davis Bacon Wage Requirements Apply) 143: Electrical 149: Fencing If awarded a contract, the successful bidder may be required to furnish a Performance Bond and Labor and Material Payment Bond in the amount of 100% of the contract price. Wayne-Westland Community School District reserves the right to reject any or all bids received, to waive any informalities and irregularities in the bidding, and to accept a bid other than the lowest bid.

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Public - County

Addition, Renovation




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36075 Currier St, Wayne, MI

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