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Published December 8, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work, paving and outdoor lighting for a mixed-use development in Herndon, Virginia. Conceptual plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field; for outdoor lighting for a playground / park / athletic field; 30-space sidewalk / parking lot; for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot; and water / sewer project.

FY24 Haley Smith Irrigation System Replacement: This project replaces the irrigation systems at Haley Smith soccer, baseball, and softball fields that were installed in 1997. The useful lifespan of the irrigation system is 20-25 years. *The scope of this project may change if the soccer field is eliminated from the project due to the proposed conversion to an artificial turf field, but the other two fields would still require replacement. FY27 Bready Park Synthetic Soccer Field Replacement: After their life expectancy of 8-10 years, artificial turf fields typically require replacement to ensure proper performance and safety. This project replaces the artificial turf and fill which may reach the end of its useful life expectancy in FY2026. This estimate replaces the synthetic turf and does not include any associated repairs or replacement costs for other amenities. The field is 380 feet by 220 feet (83,710 square feet). The estimated 2022 replacement cost is $6.50 per square foot for an estimated replacement cost of $544,115. An assessment in FY25 is recommended to ascertain compaction, infill levels, drainage, seam durability, etc. and determine if/when replacement is due. FY27: Haley Smith Park is located on the east side of Van Buren Street, north of Herndon Parkway. This proposal, following the redevelopment of the Herndon Transit-Oriented Core (HTOC), is to replace the Haley Smith natural turf with synthetic grass to increase playability and help offset the county-wide need for rectangular fields. This project includes the necessary irrigation and storm sewer modifications, as well as adding lights to the field, which is estimated at $282,000 in 2020 prices. Operating costs include purchasing a grooming machine and the appropriate goals, corner flags, etc. at $10-20,000, plus an equipment storage shed. Funding is proposed to come from HTOC proffers including 555 Herndon Parkway approved proffer. Increasing use will also increase demand for parking. The field is 380 feet by 220 feet (83,600 square feet). The estimated field conversion cost is $17 per square foot for an estimated conversion cost of $1,425,000. FY28: The expected increase in use of Bready Park and the Community Center warrants the expansion of the parking lot by adding 30 spaces between Ferndale Ave. and the tennis courts. This section would be connected to both the softball drive and the community center drive to improve traffic flow, estimated at 2019 costs. $5000 Design in FY27. As of December 8, 2023, Project is in Town of Herndon-Capital Budget Fiscal year 2024. Project schedules have changed. Construction is currently scheduled for FY2025-2028.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

Outdoor Lighting, Paving, Site Work

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