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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Dover, Delaware. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

All other inquiries regarding this work shall be directed to: Lynsey K. Baer, P.E., BCEE and Pam Williamson Chief of Engineering Sr. Executive Assistant Phone: 302-739-5361 Phone: 302-739-5361 Fax: 302-739-4287 Fax: 302-739-4287 Email: Email: No PROPOSER may withdraw their Proposal within ninety (90) days after the actual date of opening thereof, except as may be authorized by the Project Manual. The Project Manual explains the process by which prospective Proposers may submit questions about the meaning or intent of the Project Manual. Please contact DSWA prior to the Proposal opening if you wish to schedule a site tour. The PROPOSER must submit, with its Proposal, documentation indicating it is licensed to conduct business in the State of Delaware and PROPOSER must meet and comply with all state, local, and federal laws, regulations, ordinances, codes and requirements in the scope of their Work and comply with any and all licensing requirements. PROPOSER shall provide a copy of its Certificate of Authorization (COA) to practice engineering in the State of Delaware from the Delaware Association of Professional Engineers (DAPE). All work associated with this geotechnical monitoring shall be supervised by a Delaware Registered Professional Engineer with a high degree of experience in geotechnical monitoring. DSWA reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Proposals which in its judgment is in the best interest of DSWA, and to waive any irregularities or informalities in the Proposal or Proposal process, and all PROPOSERS are notified that such acceptance or rejection or waiver shall be without liability on the part of DSWA for any action brought against DSWA, any or all of its directors, or any DSWA agent, officer or employee, brought by any PROPOSER because of such acceptance or rejection or waiver, nor shall any PROPOSER seek any recourse of any kind against such entity or individuals because of such acceptance or rejection or waiver. Every PROPOSAL prepared in response to this notice shall be prepared at the sole cost and expense of the PROPOSER and shall be prepared by the PROPOSER with the express understanding that any and all claims to reimbursement for the cost and expense of its preparation are waived. The submittal of a Proposal in response to this notice shall constitute an agreement of the PROPOSER to all the provisions set forth in this notice and the Project Manual. The Work under this contract is generally for geotechnical monitoring services. At a minimum, the services include but are not limited to: Review of Design and Geotechnical Data Quarterly and annual monitoring of all geotechnical instrumentation, including piezometers, inclinometers, shape accelerometer arrays, settlement plates and sensors adjacent to or within landfill areas of the CIL Quarterly and annual reports evaluating and summarizing the data obtained with recommendations for CIL Additional monitoring events required for earthquakes, storm surges, and damaged geotechnical instruments Replacement of geotechnical instruments Stability Analyses to include recommendation, performance and analysis of foundation testing in and around the CIL Preparation of future filling plans Evaluation of instrumentation & monitoring frequency Additional requirements and description of work are set forth in the RFP as are the criteria for evaluation and determination of the successful proposal. DSWA may award the contract to the responsible proposer submitting the most responsive proposal which serves the best interests of DSWA and the citizens of the state of Delaware, and not necessarily at the lowest cost. Every Proposal prepared in response to this RFP shall be prepared by the PROPOSER with the expressed understanding that any and all claims to reimbursement for the cost and expense of its preparation are waived. No PROPOSER may withdraw the Proposal within ninety (90) days after the Proposal due date. The submittal of a Proposal in response to this Notice shall constitute an agreement of the Proposer to all of the terms and conditions in this Notice and the RFP. The Contract will be for a period of three years beginning April 1, 2023 and shall expire March 31, 2026. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.



Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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