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Published January 19, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a conference / convention center in Levering, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a conference / convention center.

The Little Traverse Bay Bands (LTBB) Fisheries Enhancement Facility (LTBB Hatchery) is located at 4100 Giigoohns Miikaan Ave., Levering, Michigan 49755. The LTBB Hatchery was completed in 2013. LTBB is upgrading two of our rearing systems and installing some new equipment. This project is for the electrical installation of new equipment and to upgrade other parts of the E and F systems' electrical system. The project consists hooking up two recirculating systems on independent loads and setting up the feeding array for both systems. The system components will be on site for installation (lights, controllers, condensing units, etc.), but electrical installation components will not be provided. Redundancy is critical for this project, so having separate sub-panels is preferred (likely 3x). Additionally, ground fault circuit breakers for this system are preferred. Potentially, miniature circuit breakers (MCB) may be advantageous for space limitations. A. Erect safety barriers and signage to cordon off work area for safety, when needed. B. All work is performed in accordance with the applicable codes, safety standards, and adhere to the general provisions of the contract documents C. Coordinate with LTBB Planning Department to schedule needed permits and inspections, as needed. D. Work with the LTBB Hatchery Manager to schedule work being performed. E. Install new equipment and electrical upgrades to systems E and F. F. LTBB shall have system components on site for installation (lights, controllers, condensing units, etc.). G. Must provide electrical installation components and supplies. H. Each rearing system (2x) will contain 5 feed Controlling outlets (20 amps total), 2 lighting controllers (4 amps each, 20 lights), 2 water pumps (FL 8.8/4.5-4.4 amps each), 1 drum screen (6 amps), 2 UV Filters (0.625 amps each), 1 air pump at (0.458 amps), and 1 condensing unit (38 amps). I. It is important to note that we can expect at least 180 amps running at any one time. This will require a large panel and larger wire diameter run from the main breaker panel. Any questions regarding the bid process may be directed to Mandy Szocinski, at 231-242-1439.


Conference / Convention Centers


Public - Federal


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January 18, 2023

February 17, 2023


4100 Giigoohns Miikaan Ave, Levering, MI

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