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Published January 4, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Replace EM Generator at Pittsburgh Allegheny K-8. Each bid shall be signed, sealed and accompanied by a bid bond of an approved Surety Company licensed to do business in the Commonwealth of PA in an amount of not less than ten percent (10%) of the amount of the base bid proposal. Bond shall be drawn in favor of the School District of Pittsburgh. No Bidder may withdraw his or her bid for a period of One Hundred, Twenty (120) days after the date set for the opening of bids unless extended by the mutual written consent of the Contracting Body and the Bidder. Thirty (30) day extensions of the date for the award of the Contract may be made by the mutual written consent of the Owner and the Bidder. The School District of Pittsburgh reserves the right to waive any informalities in bids and to reject any or all bids. The successful bidder will be required to furnish and pay for satisfactory 100% performance bond, 100% payment bond, and enter into a No-Lien Agreement with the School District of Pittsburgh. Notice is given that the Project for which construction bids are being solicited is hereby a Project constituting public works and is subject to applicable provisions of the Pennsylvania Prevailing Wage Act, Act of August 15, 1961, P.L. 987, as amended and supplemented, and appropriate prevailing minimum wage rates as promulgated under provisions of said Act must be paid by Contractors in connection with performance of the necessary work. Off-site work shall be started on the Project no later than ten (10) days after the execution of a Contract with the Owner or as otherwise directed in writing. On-site work shall start June 17, 2023. The work shall be substantially completed and ready for Owner use on August 11, 2023. Punch list items must be completed 30 days after substantial completion. Electrical Contract = 13% 'General Contract = 9% Electrical contract shall consist of but not limited to the following: 1 All Electrical Demolition, as may be required. Removal of obsolete EM generators, transfer switch, gas piping, supports, exhaust piping, etc.. 2. Provision and installation of new wiring devices, as indicated. 3. Provision and installation of new branch circuits, conduits and wiring. 4. Provision and installation of new panelboards, feeders and sub feeders, as shown and as specified hereinafter. 5. All required cutting, patching and painting for all electrical work in renovation areas. 6. ' Provide repaving of surfaces beyond scope and limit of G. C.'s work as shown on the drawings. 7 New Emergency Generator System. 8 Provision of Temporary Light and Power, as required. Provide fire stop seals through fire-rated walls, ceilings and floors for all new raceway penetrations. 10 The Contractor shall coordinate any work related to items provided and installed by the Pittsburgh Public Schools to ensure a complete and functioning system. 11. Remove and reinstall acoustic tile ceiling panels, 1' x 1' ceiling tiles or plaster ceilings, to perform electrical work. Reinstall ceiling panels to match existing construction. 12. All required testing of the new systems. 13. EM Generator testing. 14. All miscellaneous items, as hereinafter listed or as shown on Drawings 15. New Annex Building Door Intercom/Door Release System. 16. E.G. shall include all indicated plumbing items -- water pipe removal, gas pipe removal, exhaust pipe removal, new exhaust pipes, etc. 17. See 02 82 13 Division for instructions regarding Asbestos Precautions and Abatement. 18. Upon award of contract, successful contractor shall immediately notify the Electrical Department of the Pittsburgh Public Schools, in writing, of the exact "date of the commencement of the contractors work". 19. This project, in its entirety, shall be complete and operational by the date required in the Advertisement/Bid Forms. The General Contractor shall provide all necessary manpower (including multiple shifts, as necessary) to complete the project by this date and shall be part of the BASE BID at no additional cost to the Owner. 20. The Contractor and the manufacturer's representatives shall visit the site during bidding to verify the existing conditions, raceway routings, and to insure that all equipment will fit where intended. 21. All cutting, threading and bending of conduits must be done at the job site. Fabrication of any special mounting assemblies for electrical boxes, enclosures or other electrical devices must also be fabricated at the job site. All work shall be included in the Base Bid. See Section 26 05 33 o Raceways. 22. Do all indicated new Fire Alarm work. General Contract work shall consist of but not limited to the following. 1. Include all area demolition and preparation for new concrete slabs. Include preparation and pouring of new concrete slabs. Provide concrete repaving in generator areas and along underground routing of electrical raceways. Provide excavation and backfilling for all exterior UG routings and at generator areas. 2. Include all general contract demolition, as may be required. 3. Include all new fences and post bases. 4. The Contractor shall coordinate any work related to items provided and installed by the Pittsburgh Public Schools to ensure a complete and functioning system. 5. All required testing of the new systems. 6. All miscellaneous items, as hereinafter listed or as shown on Drawings. 7. See 26 20 02 Division for instructions regarding Asbestos Precautions and Abatement. 8. Upon award of contract, successful contractor shall immediately notify the Electrical Department of the Pittsburgh Public Schools, in writing, of the exact 'date of the commencement of the contractor's work'. 9. This project, in its entirety, shall be complete and operational by the date required in the Advertisement/Bid Forms. The Electrical Contractor shall provide all necessary manpower (including multiple shifts. as necessary) to complete the project by this date and shall be part of the BASE BID at no additional cost to the Owner.




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810 Arch St, Pittsburgh, PA

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Replace EM Generator At Allegheny K-8

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