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Published January 23, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a library in Marblehead, Massachusetts. Completed plans call for the renovation of a library.

The Town of Marblehead, the Awarding Authority, invites bids for The Abbot Public Library Renovations located at 235 Pleasant Street Marblehead, MA The General Contractor shall be DCAMM certified. THIS PROJECT IS BEING REBID. **General Bid Date and time (12/07/2022 at 2:00 PM ET) classes of work: Masonry, Misc. Metals, Waterproofing, Damproofing & Caulking, Roofing & Flashing, Tile, Acoustical Tile, Resilient Floors, Painting, Elevator, Fire Suppression, Plumbing, HVAC, Electrical The scope of work includes the renovation of a three-story existing public library building, including earth work and site improvements. The scope also includes selective abatement and demolition of the existing building on site. The estimated cost of this project is $8,643,868 (4.2% MBE / 8.8% WBE). a. Site work includes but is not necessarily limited to; demolition of existing parking lots and paving, trees and brush clearing, excavation, grading, drainage, sub-surface storm water infiltration system, and underground utility systems, new bituminous concrete roadways and parking areas, bituminous concrete and granite curbing, landscaping and site improvements, and work throughout the site. b. The building work includes but is not necessarily limited to; new steel framing, membrane roofing, window repairs, wood, aluminum, glass, and hollow metal doors, gypsum drywall and metal stud partitions, carpet, resilient flooring, tiling, various millwork, cabinetry and trim, acoustical and gypsum ceilings, partial restoration of the existing structures to remain, new mechanical, plumbing, fire protection, electrical and lighting systems, data and communications wiring systems throughout. 2. The Project includes everything within the boundaries of the contract limit line (as shown on the Drawings). The Project also contains connections of utilities to existing utility systems and work within existing public ways which may lie outside the boundaries of the contract limit line.




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235 Pleasant St, Marblehead, MA

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