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Published November 17, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Ottumwa, Iowa. Completed plans call for the renovation of a 10,500-square-foot educational facility.

A single proposal will be received for the work of the General Contractor including the work of the Mechanical Subcontractor (Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning and Ventilating) and the work of the Electrical Subcontractor. Subcontractors of all construction trades shall submit bids to the General Contractor covering the scope of work bid. This project consists of the renovation of 10,500 sq. ft. located at the IHCC North Campus within the main building. The project will involve modernizing and converting the previous vehicle lab area into the new Criminal Justice Training Center. The new training center will include four (4) general education classrooms, two (2) offices, alternates for men's and women's locker rooms with showers and restroom facilities, multi-purpose training space, washdown evidence lab (blood splatter and finger printing), and storage areas. The project will also include new HVAC, lighting, electrical, fire alarm modifications and updated interior finishes. Award of the contract shall be to the lowest responsible bidder based on basis bid and selected alternates and in conformance to the Bidding Documents prepared by InVision Architects Each proposal must be accompanied by a bid bond, cash deposit, Cashier's Check or a Certified Check on a solvent Bank chartered under the laws of the United States in the amount of not less than 5%, nor more than 10% of the proposal submitted therewith. Bid Security shall be made payable to the Treasurer of INDIAN HILLS COMMUNITY COLLEGE. Should the successful bidder fail or neglect to furnish a satisfactory surety bond, refuse to enter into contract on the basis of the bid, or fail to meet the requirements of this Notice and the specifications regulating the award, the bidder's security may be retained as liquidated damages. No bidder may withdraw the proposal for a period of thirty calendar (30) days after the date and hour set for opening of bids. The work under the Contract shall be commenced immediately after execution of the Owner-Contractor Agreement and substantially completed by a mutually agreed upon date, all as set forth in contractual documents. By virtue of statutory authority, the Contractor shall give preference to Iowa Domestic Labor, products and provisions grown, and coal produced within the State of Iowa, according to the provisions of Chapter 73, Code of Iowa 2016. The right to reject any or all bids and to waive any irregularities therein is reserved by INDIAN HILLS

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November 8, 2022

January 9, 2023


14383 College Ave, Ottumwa, IA

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