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Demolition and site work for a municipal facility in Frankfort, Kentucky. Completed plans call for the demolition of a municipal facility; and for site work for a municipal facility.

Work shall consist of the removal and the proper disposal of buildings, fences, septic tanks, driveways, paved areas, conduits, and other miscellaneous structures and encumbrances, which exist upon or within the right of way and/or easements areas on the designated parcels. All work shall be in accordance with these specifications and any special provisions that may be included as a part of the contract. After award of contract, the contractor will be notified by the district to advise of any change in the probable date that the improvements will be available. The contractor shall not begin work until they have been notified by the District Property Management Agent that all utilities have been disconnected by the utility companies involved. In the event the construction contractor and the contractor for clearance of improvements are on the project at the same time, it shall be understood that the latter will not be allowed to claim damages for any loss of time thus engendered. The contractor agrees to indemnify and hold the Cabinet harmless for any fines or penalties assessed to the Cabinet as a direct result of the contractor's actions or omissions. The contractor shall provide for adequate protection to safeguard the public at all times. The contractor shall employ watchmen when necessary, and shall furnish and maintain barricades, lanterns or flares, and other devices considered necessary for the protection of the public. If a street or road is to be closed or obstructed during the clearance of improvements a permit shall be secured by the contractor from the proper authority. The Transportation Cabinet, Fire Department, Police Department, and utility companies involved shall be given notice by the contractor of the time when such street or road is to be closed or obstructed. The contractor shall use every precaution to prevent any damage to adjacent property and buildings. All equipment, tools, and materials permitted to remain on the right of way during the operations shall be neatly stored in such a manner as will not interfere with the rights and privileges of the adjacent property owners. The contractor shall use every precaution to prevent damage to building walls, which are jointly owned and are required to remain in place and shall assume full responsibility for any damage to an adjoining building resulting from his work or carelessness. All such wall structures shall be left sound and with an acceptable appearance. The contractor shall save the Commonwealth and the Transportation Cabinet or any of its officers or agents harmless from damages or claims from his operations on a common or adjacent wall of a structure that is to remain in place. All property line walls owned jointly with an adjacent property owner shall remain the property of the Commonwealth and the adjacent property owner, and shall remain in place unless otherwise specified in the contract. All material from the clearance of improvements will become the property of the contractor, unless otherwise specified in the contract. The contractor (at his own expense) shall remove from the site and dispose of all materials in the manner set forth in Disposal of Materials Section of this specification. Removal of trees is not the responsibility of the demolition contractor unless stated in the description of parcels. The Transportation Cabinet will not be responsible for plumbing fixtures, electrical fixtures, fences, storm doors, storm windows, or any other items of value left on the property. PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BOND A performance bond shall be required as specified in this section. For amount paid to vendor a Performance Bond or Irrevocable Letter of Credit shall be required in the amount of the contract or $10,000.00, whichever is greater. For amount paid to State a performance bond shall be required in the amount of $10,000.00. The Performance Bond or Irrevocable Letter of Credit shall be provided as security for the faithful performance of the contract. Irrevocable Letters of Credit shall ONLY be accepted up to a maximum of $20,000.00. All projects exceeding that amount shall require a Performance Bond. DISPOSAL OF MATERIALS Debris, Trash and Waste Materials - No debris, trash or waste material is to be buried on site. All debris, trash and waste material resulting from the removal of improvements shall be disposed of at a site or facility for which a permit for waste disposal has been issued by the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Cabinet, Department for Environmental Protection, Division of Waste Management (excluding any material which is recovered for salvage/reuse including brick, concrete or blacktop which is to be disposed of as beneficial reuse). The cost of this disposal shall be considered and included in the contract price. Upon completion of the contract, the contractor will furnish the district Property Management Agent with the name and address of the waste disposal site used and copies of the disposal receipts indicating the amount of material disposed. MATERIALS REQUIRING SPECIAL DISPOSAL It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to properly dispose of any hazardous waste, paint, tires, automobile batteries, etc. in a manner that meets all local, state and federal regulations regarding this type of disposal




Public - State/Provincial

Demolition, Site Work



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Multiple Locations, Frankfort, KY

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