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Published October 14, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Work for which bids will be received includes furnishing all labor, materials, and equipment for work on the above regulated drain as follows : 8,150 L.F(V-) of De-Brushing and Clearing Obstructions on the Willow Creek BR #7 Drain in Perry Township Sec 20 . De-brushing: The work shall consist De-brushing: The work shall consist of the selective clearing and disposal of trees, snags, logs, brush, rubbish, etc. from the area of work as required. Working side: Selectively clear trees and brush from bottom of ditch bank to 20' back from top of bank; non-working side: Selectively clear trees and brush from bottom of ditch bank to 10' back from top of bank. Also, remove any tree dead, dying or leaning, regardless of size, which could cause future obstructions. Trees shall be cut approximately 3" above the ground and mathc the slope contour of the surroundings area. Stumps are to be trated following ACSO specifications Clearing Obstructions: The work shall consist of the removal of all obstructions within the drain itself, including sediment obstructions and cleaning through farm crossings and culverts. Seeding: Area of clearing and all other disturbed ground ancfleveled spoil not in field is to be prepared l"-2", seeded with ACSO approved seed mix and covered with straw, seeding both banks. Cost of said construction shall be paid by Allen County Surveyors Office with funds from the Willow Creek BR #7 drain fund. All drain construction and related work shall be performed in accordance with Allen County Surveyor's technical specifications. Each bidder shall deposit a certified check or bid bond made payable to the Allen County Drainage Board with sufficient sureties and will be conditioned on the bidders executing a contract in accordance with his/her bid if accepted by the Allen County Drainage Board and must provide for the forfeiture of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid upon his/her failure to do so Each bid must include the following signed documents: Bid Package Reshall be cut approximately 3" above the ground and match the slope/contour of the surrounding area. Stumps quirements with Bid Amount, Bid Sheet, E-Verify Declaration, Insurance Provisions, State Form No. 96, and EEO/Affirmative Action Policy. Bid Registration Form must be submitted prior to bid opening. Bids failing to include these documents will be rejected as incomplete and contractor will not be considered for the project. Successful bidder shall be prepared to give a performance bond, made payable to the Allen County Drainage Board, in an amount not less than 100% of the contractor's bid, and with a corporate surety licensed to do business in the State of Indiana. The bond shall be conditioned upon the faithful performance of the contract and the payment of all expenses and damages incurred under tne contract, including payment to all su subcontractors laborers and suppliers No bid will be accepted from, or contract awarded to any person, firm, or corporation that is in arrears to any Department, Board, or Elected Official of Allen County, Indiana; has failed to execute in whole or in part in a satisfactoiy manner any contract with the County; or is a defaulter as to surety or otherwise upon any obligation to Allen County, Indiana. The Allen County Drainage Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive any and all formalities to negotiate terms with the successful bidder and the right to disregard all nonconforming, non-responsive or conditional bids, if rejection or waiver is in the best interest of the project. Mike Fruchey Allen County Surveyor 200 East Beriy Street, Suite 350 Citizens Square Fort Wayne. IN 46802 Telephone 260-449-7625


Roads / Highways

Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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