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Published October 31, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Remodeling of an educational facility in Nampa, Idaho. Completed plans call for the remodel of a educational facility.

All questions must be sent to the DPW Project Manager: Lindsay Erb, Project Manager Division of Public Works 502 N. 4th St. PO Box 83720 Boise ID 83720-0072 (208) 332-1911 Lindsay.erb@adm.idaho.gov Funding for the project is from the State. The Division of Public Works (DPW) will administer the project according to the terms and conditions of the award, State laws and guidelines. The Design- Build team will receive general instructions through the State. A Project Manager from DPW will be assigned to serve as project manager and liaison between the Department of Administration, the Agency, and the Design-Build team. A total project budget of $936,000.00 has been established The Design-Build team shall take steps to verify that it does not hire or engage any illegal aliens or persons not authorized to work in the United States; and that any misrepresentation in this regard or any employment of persons not authorized to work in the United States constitutes a material breach and shall be cause for the imposition of monetary penalties and/or termination of any Contract resulting from this RFQ. The Design-Build team shall have design professionals and contractors properly licensed in the State of Idaho prior to Award of Contract. The Nampa Micron Education Center (NMEC) houses resources such as Testing Services, the CWI Bookstore, One Stop Student Services, the Writing Center, and more. The scope of work is to provide a central receiving area for the Nampa Campus where all packages, mail, and large deliveries can atrive and then be dispensed. The project will modify 4,000-5,000 square feet of space within the NMEC. The existing bookstore footprint will be reduced / modified, and an existing outdoor covered area will be enclosed to accommodate storage. There will be some exterior concrete / asphalt work associated with the project. DPW is requesting Statement of Qualifications for a Design-Builder who will be a team player, who will work closely and in harmony with DP W and the College of Western Idaho representatives, and be proactive with the design and construction processes (design phases, construction phasing, Division of Occupational and Professional Licenses plan reviews/permitting, early bid packages as required, identify long lead items, and cost estimating). The Design-Build team will be required to provide all services as per the standard DPW Design-Build Agreement (sample attached) and be licensed as required for the design and construction work.




Public - State/Provincial


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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5725 E Franklin Rd, Nampa, ID

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