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Published November 2, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Fayetteville, Arkansas. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

The University of Arkansas Fayetteville, in accordance with the policies of the Board of Trustees, is soliciting responses from qualified firms to provide general contractor construction management services for the Arkansas Union interior fit out for student organizations. The Arkansas Union is situated at the center of the University of Arkansas campus, where it provides a community hub for students, faculty, staff, and visitors. This project will improve the function and visibility of spaces for a number of student-focused uses that are housed in two areas of the building: the Multicultural Center on the fourth floor of the west wing, and the Center for Student Organizations on the second level of the east wing. Collectively, these two areas provide offices, classrooms, workrooms, quiet study, meeting rooms, tutoring spaces, etc. for the College Access Initiative, the Academic Enrichment Program, the Office of Student Activities, Student Affairs Development and Communication, Associated Student Government, New Student and Family Programs, Graduate-Professional Student Congress, Registered Student Organizations, University Programs, and Student Organization Outreach and Involvement Experience (SOOIE). The Arkansas Union interior fit out for student organizations will better use existing space to create an optimal fit for the current operation of the various student organizations, all of which have grown along with the increase in student enrollment. It will improve the character of the space through new furnishings, finishes, and lighting. And, importantly, it will help clarify movement and access in these areas, which have become difficult to navigate through years of incremental modifications. Initial programming studies of both areas have helped inform spatial possibilities and the resulting project scope and budget General contractors and design consultants will work with a university building committee, an independent third-party commissioning agent, and Facilities Management to advance campus master planning and design principles, as well as sustainability requirements Board of Trustees selection announced January 26, 2023 contract negotiations February 2023 design starts March 2023 construction starts January 2024 project complete May 2025 The University of Arkansas Board of Trustees has expressed a clear preference for construction teams that include an Arkansas contractor. Please note that this will be considered during the selection process. To avoid potential conflicts of interest, respondents should not communicate with university faculty or staff about this project. This document provides the relevant information for assembling a Statement of Qualifications. If you have questions about the selection process or the project scope, you can send them via email to kristenk@uark.edu Format requirements: Printed responses should be no larger than 8.5in x 11in, limited to 50 sheets maximum (100 pages), fully recyclable (i.e. no plastic covers, plastic tabs, etc.) and bound with glue, staples, or thread (i.e. perfect bound, saddle stitching, etc.). No metal or plastic coils allowed. Responses that do not meet these requirements will be disqualified.




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To Be Determined, Fayetteville, AR

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