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Published October 3, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a municipal facility in Eddyville, Kentucky. Design plans call for site work for a municipal facility.

As of October 3, 2023, a design team has been identified. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Commonwealth of Kentucky, Finance & Administration Cabinet, Division of Engineering & Contract Administration (DECA) is seeking professional design services for the Department of Corrections (DOC) to develop specifications and bid documents as well as contract administration to provide new Security Fence at the Kentucky State Penitentiary (KSP). This project is an absolute necessity to maintain KSP's perimeter security and viability for continued use as the Commonwealth's only maximum security prison. Any breach in the security for outside perimeter fence can cause escape of inmates. A study was performed by Detekion systems and a Budgetary Estimate for a Hybrid Perimeter Intrusion Detection System (HPIDS) around the outer perimeter of Kentucky State Penitentiary (KSP) was received. This system is to include approximately 1745ft fence mounted sensor cables, approximately 880ft wall mounted sensor coils and uses both sensor coils and Dual tech IR/MW sensors to secure the sally ports that can detect movement sending a signal and alarm back to a Central Control Computer Station to prevent inmate escape. The installation of the fence and control system will need to be planned in a manner to maintain operations of the maximum security facility. DECA reserves the option to increase design services should additional funding become available. CONSULTANT TEAM COMPOSITION The consultant team shall include, at a minimum, the following professional design Disciplines/Expertise. Disciplines/Expertise may reside in one or multiple persons/firms. The consultant team may include other expertise in additional to that listed below. o Architect o Structural Engineer o Electrical Engineer o Civil Engineer INDICATION OF KENTUCKY REGISTRATION This project requires the services of an Architect and/or Engineer registered in Kentucky. Respondents are to provide, in their response submittal, Kentucky Architectural Registration or Kentucky Board of Registration for Professional Engineers numbers for each Architect and/or Engineer that will be providing services for this project. RESPONDENTS ARE TO PROVIDE REFERENCES Respondents are to provide a minimum of three (3) references from similar projects. These references are to include: name of project, address of project, date project completed, Construction amount, current contact person and phone number. PROJECT SCHEDULE To be confirmed during design Phase A 60 days Phase B 30 days Phase C 90 days Phase D TBD during design process Proposers are encouraged to take a screen shot verifying proposal submittal or email the buyer for verification at Amanda.Greer@ky.gov. Only one proposal is to be submitted. Technical Advisor for this project: Frieda Myers, Div of Engineering, 403 Wapping Street, 2nd Floor, Frankfort, KY 40601, Phone: (502) 782-0328, Email: Frieda.Myers@ky.gov Requests for Information: Amanda Greer: Phone: (502) 330-8159. E-mail: Amanda.Greer@ky.gov




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December 1, 2023


266 Water St, Eddyville, KY

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