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Published October 19, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Memphis, Tennessee. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The project scope is to perform the required repair and maintenance on all generator sets under the responsibility of MLGW''s Water Engineering and Operations Department. Any repairs deemed necessary by the successful Bidder during or after generator maintenance shall be completed only after approval from MLGW. The generator sets covered under this agreement range in size from 100 kW to 2000 kW and includes engines manufactured by Cummins, Detroit Diesel, Caterpillar, and John Deere. The generator sets are located at various MLGW facilities throughout Memphis and Shelby County, Tennessee as listed in the Specifications of the Contract Documents. All bidders must be licensed Contractors as required by Title 62, Chapter 6, of the Tennessee Code Annotated. The following information must be completed on the outside of the preprinted Bidder''s Envelope: Bidder''s license number, expiration date, and that part of the classification applying to the bid (e.g., electrical, plumbing, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning). If a license classification is not applicable to the project, the Bidder shall indicate "Not Applicable" (NA) on the appropriate line. If the preceding information is not completed, the bid shall not be opened or considered by MLGW. The Tennessee Contractor''s Classification required for this project shall be one of the following or any Tennessee-approved contractor''s license applicable to this project: N/A If a State of Tennessee Contractor''s license is required, the Contractor''s license monetary limits must meet or exceed the Contractor''s bid price. MLGW shall give Local Bidding Preference or Local Bidding Presence in the awarding of contracts and making purchases whenever applying such a preference is reasonable in light of the dollar value of the bids received in relation to such expenditures. For Local Bidding Preference or Local Bidding Presence to be used in evaluating bids, all documentation as required in the Local Bidding Preference or Local Bidding Presence Policy must be submitted with the Bid, Bid Bond, and Bidder''s qualifications; provided, however, that the preference established in no way limits MLGW''s right to make awards based on applying the MLGW Supplier Diversity Policy. The following information must be completed on the outside of the pre-printed Bid Envelope: Local Bidding Preference, Local Bidding Presence, Supplier Diversity Percentage, or Non-Attainment Justification Letter. If a Local Bidding Preference, Local Bidding Presence, Supplier Diversity Percentage, or Non-Attainment Justification Letter is not applicable to the project, the Bidder shall indicate "Not Applicable" (NA) in the designated space. If the information is not completed, the bid shall not be opened or considered by MLGW. MLGW is subject to the Tennessee Public Records Act. Your bid may be examined by the public after it has been evaluated by MLGW and an award has been made. This project is exempt from the mandatory contractor''s licensing requirements if the bid amount is under $25,000. If the bid amount is under $25,000, the phrase "Exempt from licensing requirement" must appear in the Tennessee License number space on the preprinted bid envelope provided. However, other required information (e.g., Project title, contractor''s company name, contractor''s address, and bid due date) must be completed. The Bidder''s Qualifications must be submitted by reference letter as listed in the Bidder''s Qualifications. The Bidder''s Qualifications must indicate the Contract Number C2504 and title on the front page of the Bidder''s Qualifications. A packet of the Contract Documents may be obtained by contacting the Contracts Management Office, 220 South Main Street, Room 323, Memphis, Tennessee. If after attempting to obtain competitive bids for material or services, only one (1) bid is received and that bid does not exactly meet our specifications or budgetary limits, the Procurement and Contracts Management staff shall have the authority to negotiate with the Bidder to secure an acceptable bid. Any protest must be filed in writing with the Manager of Procurement and Contracts by 5:00 PM CDT/CST within five (5) business days of the Notification of the Intent to Award Letter or non-award incident. Protest may be submitted electronically on company letterhead to the Manager of Procurement and Contracts, Randy Orsby, by 5:00 PM CST/CDT at rorsby@mlgw.org. No bidder may withdraw a bid for a period of 120 days after the date and hour set for the opening of bids. MLGW reserves the right to reject bids, to waive Minor Irregularities in the bids received, and to accept any bid or portion of the bid, that MLGW, in MLGW''s sole discretion, deems most favorable to the interest of MLGW. Direct all questions to TaShay Yates at tyates@mlgw.org; (901) 528-4020



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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Multiple Locations, Memphis, TN

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