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Published November 10, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Smithfield, North Carolina. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Bids submitted via facsimile (FAX) machine, open, see through, or emailed in response to this Request for Proposals will not be accepted. If you have any questions about this proposal, please contact: Contact for RFP: Chase Ferrell, Johnston County Public Schools Questions & Communications: (919) 320-3187, charlesferrell@johnston.k12.nc.us.. Johnston County Schools is in the process of expanding our S2 District Wide Access Control System to include Door Monitoring of all Non-Access Controlled Exterior Doors located at 45 Facilities. District wide S2 Access Control is already installed and is currently licensed for 512 doors. Current access-controlled doors only include the front entrances and most primary entrance doors. The intention of this bid is to monitor all exterior doors in addition to the current access-controlled ones. Once the pre-bid is complete, vendors may individually conduct their own site visits to evaluate the sites as outlined in the site visit schedule created by Chase Ferrell. Reach out to Chase Ferrell directly for a site visit schedule. We will not conduct a group walk-through at each site. All vendors must have questions submitted to Chase Ferrell via email regarding this specific project between 10/25/22-11/02/22. Questions and Answers will be provided via electronically. The final date for questions and answers to be updated and provided will be on 11/03/2022 The contractor shall furnish all materials, accessories, and labor necessary to deliver the door monitoring S2 access control expansion. Any material and/or equipment necessary for the proper operation of the system, which is not specified or described herein, shall be deemed part of this Specification. Service shall include appropriate installation and materials as referenced in these Specifications. Equipment and Installation 1. Existing Equipment provided by the owner. a. S2 Controller is Provided by the owner and is part of the current access control system. Currently licensed for 512 doors. Any expansion for these monitored doors will be provided by the contractor and included in your bid. b. Access Control reader and locking hardware at the current access-controlled entrances for each facility is not part of this proposal and is already provided with the current system. These locations do not currently have door position switches and are required to be installed under this contract. c. Existing network nodes that have open slots may be used for adding S2 Input Blades for new monitored doors. Additional nodes required for this project shall be included in your bid. 2. Manufactures a. Lenel S2 b. GRI (or equivalent) c. West Penn Wire (or equivalent) 3. Monitored Door Locations a. All exterior doors listed as monitored doors and shall have a set of door N/C contacts wired to an individual input on the access control system. This will be used to notify the staff if a door is propped open. b. Each "Entrance" shall be a separate monitored Input point on the system. If an entrance has two doors, each door will have one set of contact wired in series on one input to the system for that entrance. Maximum of two door contacts on any single input. Separate entrances and doors may not be daisy chained on one system input. Installation contractor shall install additional input boards on the system as needed. 4. Door Contacts a. Provide appropriate door contacts for every exterior door as identified. b. Access controlled doors will have one door contact associated with the controlled door at that entrance. If that location is a double door Entrance, install a separate set of contacts on a separate input to be programmed as a monitored door on the system. 5. Door Controllers a. Network Nodes with Input Control boards shall be mounted in MDF/IDF locations only unless approved by the owner for specific locations. b. Network Nodes with Control Board Cabinets are to mount at 4'to 6' AFF for easy service.




Public - County


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Multiple Locations, Smithfield, NC

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