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Published October 19, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Petersburg, Virginia. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Electronic responses will be disabled in eVA October 14, 2022 through November 1, 2022. Bidders should plan to enter electronic responses after November 1, 2022. A Pre-bid teleconference will not be held for this solicitation. Bids will be opened at the time stated on the reminders page of the electronic posting of this solicitation, and their contents per the Virginia Public Procurement Act and Commonwealth of Virginia Vendors Manual, will be made public for the information of bidders and others interested. A public bid opening via teleconference will be hosted by a VDOT representative at 3:00 PM EST on November 10, 2022. The conference can be accessed with the below dial-in information: o Call 1-434-481-0361 o Meeting PIN ID: 230 904 136# Additionally, the conference can be accessed by downloading the free Google Meet App on your smart phone. o From the Google Meet App, click on "Join a Meeting" o Enter meeting code: imf-buwj-exo o Then select "Join Now" The bid opening will begin promptly at the time indicated. At the start of the conference the VDOT Representative will conduct a roll call to identify the individuals participating on the call. Participants will be requested to provide their names, company and contact information during the roll call. If you are unable to access the teleconference at the scheduled time please contact the Contract Officer via email and a bid reading will be provided. Payment will be made (in accordance with the Virginia Prompt Payment Act) within 30 days after receipt of valid invoice and verification of satisfactory goods received and/or completion of work. Invoices shall be submitted to the address listed below for all items completed within the designated billing period. Payment will be made via check, ACH, or EDI. Payment may also be made via P-Card for invoices within the P-Card limit if the Contractor accepts the State's Small Purchase Charge Card. For questions about eVA please contact eVA Customer Care center at eVACustomerCare@DGS.Virginia.gov. For questions about electronic payments please contact DOA at (804) 692- 0473 or via email at: edi@doa.virginia.gov. A pre-bid teleconference will not be held for this solicitation; however, potential bidders are encouraged to present questions and obtain clarification relative to any facet of this solicitation. The Virginia Department of Transportation (herein referred to as "VDOT") is soliciting bids from qualified firms to furnish, deliver, and stockpile various types of aggregate on an as-needed basis at various Area Headquarters within the Petersburg Residency of VDOT's Richmond District. PERIOD OF CONTRACT: The contract will be for a period of one (1) year. This solicitation includes the requirement for the Bidder to submit a Small Business Subcontracting Plan (SBSP) Attachment F with the electronic bid response in eVA. Bidders selecting "I Plan To Complete All Work" box must be certified as a small/micro business by the Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Small Business and Supplier Diversity (DSBSD) by the due date of this solicitation to participate in the SWaM Program. If the Bidder is not a DSBSD-certified small business, the "I Plan To Use Subcontractors" box must be selected and the Bidder shall identify the portions of the contract that will be subcontracted to DSBSD-certified small business for the initial contract period and any subsequent renewal periods. Any questions regarding this invitation for bid shall be addressed to Cheryl Lewis at Cheryl.Lewis@VDOT.virginia.gov. The issuing office shall determine whether any addendum should be issued as a result of any questions or other matters raised. Provide questions no later than 5:00 PM on November 1, 2022.


Roads / Highways

Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

Plans and Specifications are not available for this project. If that changes, they will be made available here.

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Petersburg, VA

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