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Published December 1, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a mixed-use development in Spokane, Washington. Completed plans call for the construction of a educational facility; and for site work for a educational facility.

Scope Of Work : Consultant services will include, but are not limited to the following: o Establishment of an overall project management plan, proposing all team member roles and responsibilities. o Assume overall responsibility for full project management and construction management services for the cost estimation development, predesign, design, permitting, construction, occupancy and post occupancy warranty phases. Emphasis is placed on project management, budget management services. The PM/CM will not necessarily perform field inspections, however, will be responsible for ensuring that all inspections and testing is completed and properly documented. o Advise the District and consult with Orchard Prairie School District's legal counsel on all bid documents. o Perform project financial management including project controls to maximize value received within available project funding and schedule projects to optimize the use of local dollars. o Assist the District with development and submittal of OSPI reimbursement claims. o Develop, monitor, and report cash flow analysis and costs throughout the duration of the development. o Assist the District with development and administration of all contracts, including but not limited to, architectural, engineering, special consultant services and general contractor(s). o Identify scope and prepare budget for design services and construction contracts that may be required. o Prepare District procured consultant proposal solicitations, assist District in the selection of other specialty consultants as required, and assist with the negotiation of service agreements. o Provide general direction and coordinate consultant activities and products, review and recommend payment of all District consultant billings, including progress payments to contractors. o Coordinate communication with staff, community and news media as requested, so as to enhance the understanding and support of the project. o Present or assist in presentation of the project to appropriate Boards, Commissions, Agencies, and public hearings or meetings as required. o Assist with development of media for the anticipated approval of the bond measure. o Assist the District in plan development, procurement and financial accounting of fixtures, furniture, and equipment (FFE). o Assist the District in development and execution of project closeout, occupancy, and warranty plans. o Assist with selection of architectural firm in facilitating, conducting, documenting, and monitoring of Washington Sustainable Schools Protocol (WSSP), eco-charrette and accreditation reporting requirements. o Manage, coordinate, and oversee the OSPI state matching funds process. o Act as liaison for the project to the local jurisdiction and state agencies in an effort to secure approval of permits and funding. o Prepare, maintain, and use progress and control schedule(s) with the aid of network analysis Request for Qualifications Project Management and Construction Management Services Orchard Prairie School District is Requesting Statement of Qualifications for Project/ Construction Management Consulting Services Related to the District's Desire to Build a New School Facility. It is the Intent of the District to Make Selection of a Candidate With Services Contingent on Passage of the Bond Measure in February 2024. This Solicitation Does Not Commit the District to Pay Any Costs Incurred in Preparation, Presentation or Return of Submittals - Including, but Not Limited to, Interview Time or the Selection of Any Consultant Who Responds. The Complete Submittal Package Will Include (3) Printed Copies and (1) Digital Copy via a Usb Drive.




Public - State/Provincial

New Construction, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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To Be Determined, Spokane, WA

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