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Published December 13, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in West Valley City, Utah. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

Work covered under this Contract, Granger-Hunter Improvement District 22D: 4100 South and 4700 South Waterlines Project, shall be performed in West Valley City, Utah within 4100 South (from 6000 West to 6400 West), 6400 West (from 4100 South to the canal bank to the north (approximately 3980 South 6400 West)), and 4700 South (from 5600 West to approximately 6000 West) as indicated on the Drawings. The work to be performed is generally described as follows: 1. Bid Schedule 1 - 4100 South: Installing 2900 feet of new 8" PVC waterline and abandoning the existing 6" cast iron waterline. The work will include replacing or reconnecting 20 existing water laterals, reconnecting side street main lines, installing 3 new fire hydrants, and other improvements as shown in the drawings. The project will also include replacing 60 feet of the existing 16" concrete encased waterline across the 6400 West intersection with a new 16" PVC waterline. 2. Additive Alternate 1-1 to Bid Schedule 1 - 6400 West: Will be bid as an additive alternate to the 4100 South project and will include installing 950 feet of new 12" PVC waterline and abandoning the existing 12" and 6" waterlines. The work will consist of replacing 22 existing water laterals, reconnecting side street main lines, installing 3 new fire hydrants, and other improvements as shown in the drawings. 3. Bid Schedule 2 - 4700 South: Installing 3200 ft of new 12" PVC waterline and abandoning the existing 12" steel waterline. The work will include replacing or reconnecting 2 existing water laterals, looping under major utilities, installing a new fire hydrant, and other improvements as shown in the drawings. Work will also include installing an additional 12" PVC waterline under Mountain View Corridor to be used in the future. The work to be performed consists of furnishing and installing the facilities and appurtenances thereto as included in the Contract Documents. The Work generally includes, but is not limited to, the following: 1. Obtaining all permits. 2. Project supervision. 3. Mobilization/Demobilization. 4. Installation of new waterlines, residential services, fire hydrants, valves, and all work as shown on the Drawings. *The list of planholders and/or interested bidders is not being tracked by the stakeholders involved with this project. If you are an interested contractor and wish to be listed as a bidder, please notify our editorial staff at addtobidlist@constructconnect.com.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work





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