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Published January 5, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a mixed-use development in New Holland, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for the construction of a parking garage; for site work for a parking garage; service station / car wash facility; and service station / car wash facility.

The Project consists of selective demolition of the existing fuel island that includes concrete fuel island, steel bollards (that are also supports for the existing lighting), fuel station dispenser pumps and associated piping, controls, etc. and underground fuel piping from existing tank locations. Remove and dispose of existing fuel pump controls and associated wiring systems and protective bollards. In addition, demolition and disposal of existing underground 10,000 gallon diesel tank and 1,000 gallon gasoline tank. Tank alarm system, fuel oil tank vents, pads manholes, ports to also be removed. Existing paving will need to be removed to install the new systems. Fuel System Construction Contract 3610-2: The Plumbing Contract includes the furnishing and installation of all plumbing equipment, accessories and piping systems, plus other construction operations traditionally recognized as Plumbing Construction. Work under this prime contract includes, but is not limited to, the following: a. All Fuel System/Mechanical Construction work indicated on drawings M1.1, M2.1, M2.2 and M3.1 and as follows: i. Demolition and disposal of existing underground 10,000 gallon diesel tank and 1,000 gallon gasoline tank and related equipment (pads, manholes, ports, tank alarm system, fuel oil tank vents, etc. in their entirety. ii. Demolition and disposal of existing underground fuel lines from the tanks to the existing fuel island. iii. Demolition and disposal of existing concrete fuel island, dispenser pumps and associated piping, controls, etc. iv. Demolition and disposal of existing fuel pump controls and associated wiring systems, bollards and lighting, and emergency shutdown system. v. Furnish and install new Diesel and Gasoline dispensers and related equipment at fuel island along with bollard protection for fuel island. vi. Furnish and install new above ground 10,000 gallon diesel and gasoline tanks, fill ports and other equipment required for a complete installation. vii. Furnish and install new reinforced concrete pad for fuel tanks and bollard protection. viii. Furnish and install underground fuel piping from fuel tanks to dispensers at the fuel island and all final connections. ix. Furnish and install light fixtures and wiring for canopy. Bids received after the referenced date and time shall be returned to the Bidder unopened. Separate, sealed Bids will be received for the following Prime Contracts: 3610-1 General Construction 3610-2 Fuel System Construction. The following information shall be furnished by bidders when obtaining bidding documents: 1. Bidder s mailing address 2. Name of Bidder s representative 3. Bidder s telephone number 4. Bidder s facsimile number 5. Bidder s email address (email address used to submit the .pdfs) 6. Bidding documents requested, by Contract and Contract number Bidding document questions shall be directed to Crabtree, Rohrbaugh &Associates, Attention: Bidding Department, email: bidding@cra-architects.com. All questions pertaining to the Contract Documents, technical sections, legal documents, and bid submission shall be directed in writing to: John Pryor, Project Manager, email: jpryor@cra-architects.com. Each bid shall be accompanied by bid security in an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the Base Bid amount and all alternate bid amounts in the form of a Bid Bond as described in the Supplementary Instructions to Bidders. A Performance Bond and a Payment Bond in the forms provided in the Project Manual, each in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the amount of the Contract, and each with satisfactory corporate surety, must be furnished by the successful Bidder prior to execution of a Contract. Bids may not be modified, withdrawn or cancelled by the Bidder for sixty (60) calendar days following the actual date of opening thereof, except as provided by the Commonwealth Procurement Code. However, if award of Contract is delayed by the required approval of another government agency, the sale of bonds or the award of a grant or grants, Bids may not be withdrawn by the Bidder for a period not to exceed 120 days from the date of bid opening in accordance with Pennsylvania law. Eastern Lancaster County School District reserves the right in its sole discretion to reject any or all Bids and to waive irregularities in any Bid. Further, Eastern Lancaster County School District reserves the right to award any combination of Alternates, or no Alternates, which in its sole discretion, serves the best interests of the School District. This project is subject to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Labor and Industry s Prevailing Wage Pre-Determination. Corporations seeking to bid which are organized under the laws of a State other than Pennsylvania must secure the appropriate certificate, authorizing them to conduct business within the Commonwealth.

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Service Station / Car Wash


Public - County

New Construction, Site Work





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154 Eastern School Rd, New Holland, PA

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