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Published October 27, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Peoria, Illinois. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

The Peoria Park District is soliciting written quotes for the replacement of three stormwater inlets in Glen Oak Park at the Peoria Playhouse Children's Museum. Please note that the prevailing rate of wage including benefits for the Peoria area shall be paid for each craft or type of worker needed to execute this project or perform this work as required by the State of Illinois Department of Labor. All work performed in connection with this project shall be in compliance with the requirements of all applicable local, state, and federal laws, regulations, rules, and national building codes. Contractor is responsible for field verifying all existing conditions. Please contact Mike Friberg at 309-648-5057 if you have any questions. The project site can be viewed during normal business hours. No appointment is necessary. A. General: The intent of this project is to remove and replace three stormwater inlets. B. Schedule: Work must be completed by May 1, 2023. Award is intended for October 26, 2022. C. Materials: a. IDOT designated CA-6 aggregate. b. 4,000 psi Portland Cement Concrete. c. Precast or cast-in-place City of Peoria G1 inlet box. d. Precast concrete manholes with lids. e. Cast iron frames, grates, and hoods. f. Flowable fill g. HMA or cold patch asphalt D. Submittals: a. Concrete mix: showing 28-day strength. psi, percentage air, ingredients, and additives recommended for this area. b. Precast concrete elements. c. Inlet castings E. Execution: a. Verify all depths, dimensions, and measurements before ordering precast elements. b. Notify Owner one week in advance of proposed work date. c. Provide barricades and traffic control as needed for worker and public safety. d. Sawcut existing pavement prior to removals. e. Schedule and sequence removals and replacements to minimize time when inlets are nonfunctional. f. Remove existing inlets and structures. Salvage grates and return to Owner. g. Provide temporary dewatering as needed. h. Inspect existing pipes to remain. Notify Owner's Representative of pipe conditions and any damage observed. i. Place precast structures on sand leveling bed to elevations shown. j. Fill around pipe entrances shall be concrete or mortar only. Concrete blocks or stones shall not be used to fill gaps. k. Place and compact fill around structures. Flowable fill shall be used as backfill in all areas under pavement. l. Place concrete aprons, curbs, and gutters to required dimensions, lines, and grades. m. Sawcut joints as soon as concrete can bear weight. n. Patch pavement with HMA or cold patch depending on weather conditions. o. Remove all debris including concrete washout and dispose of offsite.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work

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October 19, 2022

October 27, 2022


2218 N Prospect Rd, Peoria, IL

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Stormwater Inlet Replacements - Peoria Playhouse Children's Museum

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