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Published October 20, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The City of Pittsburgh Office of Management & Budget, on behalf of the Department of Public Works, is soliciting bids for Building & Construction Materials. Question Submission Deadline:November 2, 2022, 5:00pm Question Submission Method:All questions to be submitted via this IFB's Q&A feature. Period of Contract:October 1st, 2022 through September 30th, 2024 with two, one-year options to renew. 1. BID SUBMISSIONS All bids must be submitted electronically. No bids shall be accepted in person, by U.S. Mail, by private courier service, via oral or email communication, telephone or fax transmission. 2. BID ERRORS If a Bidder submits a bid with a price that is patently incorrect, such that a "reasonable person" would recognize the error, the Bidder shall be given the opportunity to withdraw the entire bid or only the incorrect line item in a bid. If the Bidder wishes to withdraw the entire bid or only a line item, the Bidder shall, within five working days of bid opening, state in a letter to the City the reason for the mistake and request that the City not consider the bid or line item for award. 3. SPECIFICATION ERRORS AND BULLETINS (AMENDMENTS) If any alleged errors are noted in the bid specifications, bidder should immediately notify the City and, if confirmed, a bulletin shall be sent to all bidders. A copy of all bulletins issued shall be submitted electronically with the suppliers bid. 4. CLARIFICATION The City reserves the right to request clarification of any bid before bid award. 5. QUALIFIED BIDDERS All bidders must be merchants dealing in the goods and services on which they bid, and must be qualified to advise as to their application and use. Bidders warrant, and must be able, upon request, to demonstrate, that they possess the knowledge, experience, skill, capital, stock, charters, licenses, permits, patents and personnel necessary to satisfactorily perform the contract for which they submit bids. 6. PRE-PRINTED TERMS AND CONDITIONS Bidder's pre-printed Terms and Conditions or restrictions commonly appearing on the reverse side of letters submitted with the bid and/or bidder's specifications material and contract documents shall be disregarded and have no effect. 7. SOLICITATION ONLY This Invitation for Bid is a solicitation only and is not intended to be nor should it be construed to be an offer to enter into any contract or other agreement. 8. FATAL BID ERRORS The following errors shall be deemed fatal and render the bid void: Failure to sign the bid, or bond or both, If the signatures are those of unauthorized persons, or If there is no stated pricing. All other errors are waivable at the sole discretion of the City if such errors would not invalidate a fair and just competitive bidding procedure free of favoritism and fraud and a common standard for all bidders. 9. CONTRACT By submitting a bid, the bidder warrants that if the City makes an award to the bidder, bidder shall, at the option of the City, enter into a written contract with the City. This contract shall consist of the terms and conditions set forth in the solicitation, specifications, and these General Conditions and Instructions to Bidders. If no bid bond or substitute is required and bidder fails or refuses to execute the required documents within thirty (30) days after award by City, bidder shall pay to the City the difference in the amount specified in bidder's bid and the amount City shall pay to fulfill the specifications. 10. ALTERATIONS/CORRECTIONS Any alteration, erasure, addition to or omission of required information, change of the specifications or bidding schedule, is made at the risk of the prospective contractor and may result in the rejection of the bid, unless such changes are authorized by the specifications. 11. COLLUSION BETWEEN BIDDERS If the City develops reason to believe that a single prospective Contractor is involved in the submission of more than one proposal for the same project, which is sufficient cause for rejection of all proposals in which collusion between bidders is suspected. 12. REJECTION OF BIDS The City reserves the right to reject, for any reason, any or all bids if it is in the best interest(s) of the City to do so. 13. UNIQUE BIDS Each bidder may only submit one (1) bid on behalf of the organization and all subsidiaries. 1. MWE/DBE The City of Pittsburgh is committed to the ideal of providing all citizens an equal opportunity to participate in City and its Authorities' contracting opportunities. It is therefore the City's goal to encourage increased participation of women and minority groups in all City contracts. The City requires that all respondents demonstrate good faith efforts to obtain the participation of Minority-Owned Business Enterprises (MBE's) and Women-Owned Business Enterprises (WBE's) in work to be performed under City contracts. The levels of MBE and WBE participation will be monitored by the City of Pittsburghs Equal Opportunity Review Commission (EORC). In order to ensure that there are opportunities for historically disadvantaged minority groups and women to participate on Covered Contracts, and consistent with the City's current equal employment opportunity practice and goals, the EORC will review contracts to include an evaluation of a developer/contractors employment of minority groups and women, encourage goals of eighteen (18) percent and seven (7) percent respectively. 2. Veteran-Owned Small Business It is also the City's goal to encourage participation by veteran-owned small businesses in all contracts. The City of Pittsburgh shall have an annual goal of not less than five (5) percent participation by veteran-owned small businesses in all contracts. The participation goal shall apply to the overall dollar amount expended with respect to the contracts. The City requires that all respondents demonstrate good faith efforts to obtain the participation of veteran-owned small business in work to be performed under City contracts. The levels of veteran-owned participation will be monitored by the City of Pittsburghs EORC. 3. Good Faith Commitment In order to demonstrate good faith commitment to these goals, all respondents are required to complete and submit with their bids the attached MDE/WBE/Veteran-Owned Solicitation and Commitment Form (which details the efforts made by the respondents to obtain such participation). Failure to submit a properly completed form along with documentation of Good Faith Commitment may result in rejection of the bid. Participants are encouraged to contact the Equal Opportunity Review Commission at 412-255-8804 to assist further. For further information, including definitions and additional requirements, please see Chapter 177A (Sections 177A.01 et. seq.) of the City Code and Section 161.40 of the City Code. 1. Detail Scope The City of Pittsburgh Office of Management & Budget, on behalf of the Department of Public Works (DPW), is soliciting bids for one or more contracts for the purchase of materials "as-needed" for its Facilities and Construction Divisions. See Pricing Proposal section of this solicitation for specific items. The intent of such contracts is to pick up materials from one or more store locations and/or deliver to City sites 2. Shipping & Delivery Terms The City of Pittsburgh will not pay for nor reimburse separate shipping, handling, or delivery fees not specifically addressed under a resulting contract. Purchase orders placed under an awarded contract will be F.O.B. Destination. Delivery would be to various locations within City of Pittsburgh city limits. 3. Pick Up Options Contracts may be awarded with pick-up options from vendor locations. Each store location must be no more than 7.0 Air miles from the DPW Warehouse at the following address: 6300 A.V.R.R., Pittsburgh, PA 15201.



Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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November 9, 2022

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Multiple Locations, Pittsburgh, PA

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