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Published October 21, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Offutt AFB, Nebraska. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

1. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska (OAFB) is home of the 55th Wing, the Fightin' Fifty-Fifth, and a variety of tenant units. OAFB's diverse missions and global responsibilities put it on the cutting edge of the Air Force's transformation. Each branch of the U.S. Military is represented among the approximately 7,000 military and 4,000 federal employees assigned here. OAFB is a beautiful community situated near the Missouri River in the rolling hills of southeastern Nebraska. As such, the contractor will be required to support this mission by providing facility support services to major maintenance activities for the 55th Wing Headquarters Facility defined as Real Property Facility Numbers: B500, B501, B510, B513, B515, B519, B522, B562, B591, B597 and B407. Specifically, these activities are for United States Air Force (USAF) and Department of Defense (DoD) organizations which provide critical functions to the DoD 24/7/365, but whose normal duty hours are (Monday-Friday, 0600-1800), located within this area of OAFB. Work to be performed will include, but is not limited to, facility support which includes facility investment, utility maintenance and fire protection maintenance. 2. DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES The contractor shall provide cost effective operations, maintenance, repair, and service functions for Real Property, Real Property Installed Equipment (RPIE), Real Property Similar Equipment (RPSE), and specifically designated non-RPIE to a standard that prevents deterioration beyond that which results from normal wear and tear, or prevents degradation, of 55th Wing Headquarters Complex missions using life cycle maintenance practices. The plan and program shall include provisions for control and accountability of all contractor utilized vehicles, equipment, tools, and materials. Any changes to Contract Data Requirement List (CDRL) plans or reports will be coordinated with the Contracting Officer (CO), or their designated representative, for approval before implementation. Except where otherwise stated, the contractor shall furnish all labor, supervision, management, tools, materials, equipment, software, facilities, transportation, incidental engineering, and other items necessary to provide the services outlined below and described in this Performance Work Statement (PWS) for the 55th Wing Headquarters Complex located on OAFB. Services shall be performed at all facilities described above that make up the, and its connecting structures/supporting facilities [inclusive of first pump, valve, or switch upstream to the utility service] at OAFB. Broad examples of contractor responsibilities include, but are not limited to, building management controls, Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC), plumbing, emergency power system, electrical, fire alarm/suppression/mass notification, lighting controls, structural, alarms, roofing maintenance and repair, uninterruptable power supplies, irrigation systems, turnstiles, trash compactor, shedder and work request management. This contract also includes providing the 55th Civil Engineering Squadron (55 CES) customer interface with the facility occupants as well as coordination with the CO, or their designated representative. The contractor shall perform services in accordance with (IAW) all applicable federal, state, and local laws, AF Engineering Technical Letters (ETL), Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) Industry Standards, the latest Air Force Instructions (AFIs), and life safety codes ensuring uninterrupted mission support to the 55th Wing Headquarters Complex mission and personnel. 2.1. VERIFICATION OF WORKLOAD & CONDITIONS A list of current equipment and systems is provided in Appendix C. The list may not contain a complete listing of equipment. Thus the Contractor must verify full inventory list against the provided drawings. All RPIE per AFI 32-9005, Real Property Accountability, 3 February 2020, RPSE, and specifically designated non-RPIE located in the facilities will be supported under this PWS. Basic site maps are provided in Appendix B, and floor plans for each facility are provided as both contract support files, and as appendices within this document. 2.2. SERVICES 2.2.1. SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED FOR RPIE (CLIN X001 and X002) The contractor shall provide professional inspections, diagnostics, operations, maintenance, repairs, and support functions in the most efficient and economical manner, taking into account total system life cycle costs and impact on the quality of service received by the customers. The contractor shall deliver a predictive, preventive maintenance, and corrections program that ensures the reliability and maintainability of Real Property. The contractor shall use equipment maintenance records and current technology solutions to provide early notification of pending equipment and system failures to enable the contractor to avoid facility downtime and provide 100% mission capable facilities. When necessary, the contractor shall provide the required documentation (i.e., AF Form 332, Base Civil Engineer Work Request, 31 December 1990) for follow-on programming action purposes by 55 CES/Engineering Flight (CEN) personnel. The contractor shall remove debris required to complete services within this contract, IAW all applicable federal, state, local environmental laws, and life Safety codes. No storage of debris shall be permitted. The contractor shall meet all legal requirements for transportation and tracking of this debris to recycle centers or landfills. The contractor shall report quantities of all material disposed of to the Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) no later than (NLT) the first business day of the month following the end of each quarter on the Non-Hazardous Solid Waste Diversion Form, see Appendix D (CDRL A0005). All records generated under this contract are the property of the Government and must be ready for inspection at any time. The contractor shall also turn over all records generated to the COR at the termination or completion of the contract, whichever comes first (CDRL A0011). The contractor shall maintain the cleanliness and orderliness of all mechanical rooms and shall not delegate that responsibility to facility managers. After each maintenance and/or repair, the contractor shall restore the surface area and landscape to its original condition. The contractor is responsible for cleanup resulting from Real Property system failures. The contractor shall manage and perform all activities and functions related to leading, managing, training, and directing personnel and resources dedicated to performing operations and maintenance activities for all Real Property and RPIE. The contractor shall provide information and support to the COR, 55 CES, or other Government designated 55 CES representative as required. The contractor shall generate, distribute, file, and maintain records of all required inspections, testing, training, certifications, operating instructions, appointments, and policy letters. OPERATIONS SUPPORT - CUSTOMER SERVICE The contractor shall provide a centralized customer service focal point for customers working within the contracted facilities. The contractor shall provide a means to receive verbal or written service calls twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week. During non-duty hours, the contractor shall provide a means for acknowledging receipt of all verbal or written emergency work orders within fifteen (15) minutes of the initial attempt to contact. The contractor shall process and control work requirements for repair work performed by their employees. The contractor shall maintain accountability of resources to include equipment, personnel, and facilities. The contractor shall process all after hour calls, dispatch craftsman to emergencies, write Scheduled Sustainment Work (SSW), and maintain the Facility Related Control System (FRCS) night log with all pertinent information. The contractor shall manage, train, and perform all activities and functions related to customer service, material acquisition and control, warranty/guarantee program, production control, work order support, life cycle cost management, and associated tasks. WORK TASK PRIORITIES Work Priority Work Type 1 Emergency Work 2A Preventive Maintenance (PM) and Physical Plant Operations 2B Contingency Projects (not used) 3A (High) Scheduled Sustainment Work (Corrective Maintenance (CM)) 3B (Medium) Scheduled Sustainment Work (CM) 3C (Low) Scheduled Sustainment Work (CM) 4A Scheduled Enhancement Work 4B All other Enhancement Work PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE (PM) MAINTENANCE MASTER PLAN (MMP) (See Paragraph 5.1.2 for plan requirements) PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE WORKING PROGRAM (Priority 2A) The contractor is to ensure that equipment and systems are maintained and have operational capability for anticipated asset life while maintaining life cycle costs within industry standards IAW Air Force Preventive Maintenance Task List (AF PMTLs), and compliant with code and manufacturer Operation and Maintenance (O&M) specifications. The contractor shall update schedules as necessary to reflect all changes in equipment inventory, perform 2A work as specified in the current Air Force guidance, and adhere to manufacturer's recommendation throughout the life of the equipment. All records of maintenance shall be the sole responsibility of the contractor. All records generated under this contract are the property of the Government and must be ready for inspection at any time. The contractor shall turn over all records generated to the COR at termination, or completion of contract, whichever occurs first (CDRL A0011). The contractor shall document the proposed 2A frequencies, schedules, and implementation program process. During the execution of this project, if changes to the 2A work frequencies, schedules, and equipment additions and deletions are required, the contractor shall provide documentation to the CO, or their designated representative, to gain approval prior to implementation. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.



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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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May 11, 2023


To Be Determined, Offutt AFB, NE

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