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Published November 29, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a library in Walton, Kentucky. Completed plans call for the renovation of a 24,927-square-foot, one-story above grade library.

The Boone County Public Library will receive bids from qualified Contractors for a General Construction Contract, including site, grading, landscape, architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical and fire protection work for The New Boone County Public Library Walton Branch. The proposed work will encompass approximately 24,927 square feet of enclosed area. The new building is a one-story facility, which includes parking and site work, courtyards, landscaping, concrete foundations and slabs, structural steel framing, a geothermal well-field, mechanical and electrical systems, power, data, and security systems. Exterior building envelope scope includes high-density cementitious wall panels, metal composite panels over coldformed metal framing, glass curtainwall system, canopy, and SBS modified roofing system. Interior building finishes include carpet, resilient flooring, ceramic tile, aluminum storefront and doors, hollow-metal glazed frames with wood doors, gypsum drywall partitions, acoustic panel ceiling, painting, millwork, and other interior finishes. The Contract Period is anticipated as 18 months to Substantial Completion. All bids must be on a lump sum basis; segregated bids will not be accepted. Prevailing wage rates do not apply to this project. The Owner will contact the apparent successful bidder to review the bid documents in detail and to submit their completed List of Subcontractors addresses and List of Materials and Equipment within one hour of bid review. Bids will be awarded on best evaluated and not necessarily lowest price. The Library reserves the right to accept or reject any bid based on factors, including but not limited to pricing, work history, work references, and/or ability to meet schedule requirements. Bidders will be given bid results after review and acceptance of the Owner. The Owner intends to execute a Contract utilizing the American Institute of Architects AIA- A101-2017 Owner/Contractor Agreement - Stipulated Sum The Owner reserves the right to waive informalities and irregularities; and, shall have the right to accept, reject, or waive any and all Bids. The Owner intends to take advantage of its tax exempt status. The Owner reserves the right to order and pay for all materials and turn them over to the Contractor for installation in the project. The successful low bidder will be required to submit a working materials list within 14 days of bid opening. The Contractor will assist in preparing a List of Materials he intends to purchase and therefore deleted from the Contractor's material to purchase. The Owner elects to have the Contractor to receive, store, and install these Owner purchased materials. For bidding purposes, the bid and alternates should include all labor, material, and sales tax for a complete job. A lump sum Deductive Change Order will be prepared for the actual cost of materials plus 6% sales tax savings realized once all Owner Purchase Orders have been issued. All bids shall include Kentucky sales tax. Construction of new single-story building that is approximately 24,927 square feet in area for Boone County Public Library, Walton Branch. The Work includes sitework and utilities, new concrete substructure and steel superstructure, exterior and interior finishes, and complete building systems as described in the attached Contract Documents.




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November 17, 2022

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Lots 23 and 24 Towne Centre Drive, Walton, KY

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