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Published November 30, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a fire / police facility in Paducah, Kentucky. Completed plans call for the renovation of a fire / police facility.

For Source Capture Exhaust Systems for all five fire stations in the City of Paducah. The bids will be opened Friday, November 18, 2022 at 3:00 p.m. at Paducah City Hall. Bids must include all five fire stations. All competitive sealed bids and purchasing procedures shall be in accordance with the City of Paducah's Code of Ordinances Chapter 2 Procurement, KRS 45A.345 45A.460, and the specifications contained herein. Bid Documents including the Bid Guaranty, shall be enclosed in an envelope clearly labeled with the words "Bid Documents, Source Capture Exhaust Systems, ATTN: Hope Reasons, Grants Administrator, City Hall, 300 South 5th Street, Paducah, KY 42003" in order to guard against premature opening of the bid. It is the sole responsibility of the bidder to see that the bid is received on time and is properly addressed. No electronic bid, faxed bid, telegraphic bid or telegraphic modifications of bid will be considered. No bids received after the time fixed for receiving bids will be considered. Late bids will be returned to the sender unopened. Bidders shall be listed as a plan holder on the Administrator's Official Plan Holder's list located in the Engineering- Public Works Administration office at City Hall in order to be an "Official Bidder of Record". Bids received from Bidders who are not listed on the Administrator's Official Plan Holder's list will be rejected. Any Bidder having questions regarding any portion of the specifications, or may be in doubt as to the true meaning of any part of the specifications, or finds discrepancies in or omissions from any part of the specifications, can submit a WRITTEN request via EMAIL for interpretation no later than 12:00 p.m. noon CST on November 4, 2022 Nathan Torian Paducah Fire Department VIA EMAIL: ntorian@paducahky.gov. All questions received, along with requests for written interpretations, will be formally addressed by Addendum. The Addendums will be e-mailed to each Official Plan Holder of record, with the Bidder being required to acknowledge receipt. Any Addendum that may be issued to amend and or clarify the Plans and/or Specifications must be applied when calculating the Bid and certified by the Bidder on the Bid Proposal. Failure to use the correct and most recent addenda may result in the bid being rejected. When the Addendum conflicts with the Original Specifications, the Addendum shall govern. The City of Paducah (hereinafter referred to as Administrator) shall have the right to take such steps necessary to determine the ability of the bidder to perform his obligations under the Contract. Any Bidder may be required to furnish evidence satisfactory to the Administrator that he and his any proposed subcontractors have sufficient means and experience in the types of work called for to assure completion of the Contract in a satisfactory manner. The Administrator reserves the right to inspect the place of business of any Bidder participating in this bid. The right is reserved to reject any bid where an investigation of the available evidence or information does not satisfy the Administrator that the bidder is qualified to properly carry out the terms of the Contract. Any Bidder may withdraw his submitted bid by written request 24 hours or more prior to the scheduled time for opening bids. No bidder may withdraw his bid for a period of 60 days after the date set for opening thereof, and all bids shall be subject to acceptance by the Administrator during this period. However, under justifiable circumstances, the Administrator may release a bid if the Bidder can demonstrate from worksheets or other documents that an obvious error was made while preparing the bid. After reasonable consideration of all bids received, a Notice of Award will be given to the responsible bidder who submits the lowest evaluated bid price in accordance with the specifications. Final payment shall be due sixty, (60) days after substantial completion of the work, provided the work will then be fully completed and the Contract fully performed in accordance with the specifications.


Fire / Police


Public - City


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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November 18, 2022

December 19, 2022


Multiple Locations, Paducah, KY

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