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Published February 2, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work, renovation and addition to a mixed-use development in Salamanca, New York. Completed plans call for the addition of a educational facility; for the demolition of a educational facility; for the renovation of a educational facility; for site work for a educational facility; office development; office development; office development; and office development.

Project No. 2210428.01, J5215123 The Owner, the Utica City School District, will receive separate sealed bids to furnish materials and labor to complete the District Office Addition / High School Alterations Bidders wishing to submit a bid prior to the above date can deliver the bid package to Salamanca City Central School District Offices. The Owner will review, approve and authorize all prime contracts As bid security, each Bid shall be accompanied by a certified check or Bid Bond made payable to Owner, in accordance with the amounts and terms described in the INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS. The Owner requires that all bids shall comply with the bidding requirements specified in the INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS. The Owner may, at his discretion, may waive informalities in bids, but is not obligated to do so, nor does this represent that he will do so. The Owner also reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Under no circumstances will the Owner waive any informality which, by such waiver, would give one Bidder a substantial advantage or benefit not enjoyed by all other Bidders. No Bidder may withdraw his Bid before forty-five (45) days after the actual date of the opening thereof, unless a mistake due to error is claimed by the Bidder in accordance with INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS All questions prior to bid opening must be received by the close of business on. Questions shall be directed to Julian Schnopp, Turner Construction Company at mobile 860.455.8071 and email jschnopp@tcco.com . a. The drawings are diagrammatic and may not be complete in every detail. They reflect the intent of the Architect/Engineer to provide for a complete working system in compliance with all codes as shown by the documents. This contractor shall include any other equipment or devices necessary to provide a complete functioning system. b. BP-05 Mechanical Contractor shall field verify existing infrastructure above ceilings at locations where new ductwork/piping is illustrated to be installed in the ceiling space prior to bid and include all costs. BP-05 Mechanical Contractor to include any additional offsets and fittings necessary to install indicated point of connection prior to bid; no additional cost will be provided for any discrepancies. c. Include the coordination process as described in Specification 01 31 00. Sheet metal shop drawings are required first and are expected to begin immediately following Notices to Proceed. d. Furnish all access doors of adequate size and fire rating required for this contract's work to satisfy all applicable codes. Also supply all labor to layout access door locations in the field and to coordinate with the BP-02 General Trades Contractor for turnover of access doors for their installation in new construction only. This contractor will be responsible to store all access doors until ready for installation. In existing walls and ceilings this contract shall be responsible for cutting the opening, installing the access door, and patching finishes. Match existing finish colors. e. Coordinate rough in with other Prime Contractors as required. f. All surveying, line and grade necessary to complete the work of this bid package. g. Protection of "others" or existing in-place work, while performing the work of this contract. Example - protection of finished flooring. h. Daily clean up of your own work to the dumpsters is included. Broom sweep work area daily. i. Any temporary weather protection required for work exposed to the environment. j. Provide all in-wall blocking to support the work required under this contract that is furnished and installed by this contractor. All blocking shall be fire treated if not specified otherwise. k. Include 6" high concrete housekeeping pads for all floor mounted equipment, unless specifically noted otherwise. Housekeeping pads shown on architectural or structural drawings for equipment under this contract shall be installed by the BP-05 Mechanical Contractor. The BP-02 General Trades Contractor will not be providing any housekeeping pads for MEP equipment. Refer to structural drawings for typical details. l. Include sealing of all wall, floor, and ceiling penetrations made by this contract in new and existing construction. Refer to the wall type/rating for required smoke, fire, or acoustical sealant. Assume all penetrations in full height walls shall be sealed for sound at a minimum. Sealing of penetrations shall be performed as the work progresses. m. Furnish to and coordinate with the BP-02 General Trades Contractor all sleeves and penetrations for this work that penetrate drywall, concrete and masonry work (via dimensioned transmitted drawing). BP-05 Mechanical Contractor shall verify that the sleeves are installed in the correct location prior to the placement of concrete, drywall or masonry. This Contractor shall provide necessary sawing and coring for penetrations through walls, floors, and ceilings where sleeves were not provided or penetrations were missed. n. Furnish all loose lintels to BP-02 General Trades Contractor required for any thru-wall penetrations in masonry. Note: penetrations in exterior walls require hot-dipped galvanized lintels. Lintels to be long enough for proper bearing per structural drawings. Refer to structural drawings and specs for lintel requirements The project consists of a district office addition, renovations to the current business office to create a Native American Services Suite, Pool HVAC Unit Replacement, Freight lift replacement, exterior teal panel upgrades, and misc. renovations.




Public - City

Addition, Demolition, Renovation, Site Work





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January 12, 2023

January 31, 2023


50 Iroquois Dr, Salamanca, NY

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Salamanca City Central School District - District Office Addition/High School Alterations - Contract 5 - BP-05 Mechanical Contractor

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