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Published October 25, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Okolona, Mississippi. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Board will open all bids therefore registered and accepted to award contracts in accordance with the laws and statutes of the State of Mississippi to the lowest and best responsible bidder who complies with all the requirements of law for furnishing the following services, supplies, materials and other bid items to the County of Chickasaw at its Central Facility and/or each Sheriffs Office, Tax AssessorCollectors office and such advertisement and solicitation hereof shall cover a period not to exceed twelve (12) months , unless otherwise hereinafter stated, or until such time as new bids submitted in compliance with law. This legal notice shall contain 1. Submit your bid(s) on agency letterhead or form in sealed envelopes 2. Bids for each item must be submitted in separate envelopes 3. Envelopes contaning bids should be marked plainly in lower left corner 4. All bids must have federal tax identification number or social security number 5. All bids must be signed 1. Hauling gravel- to any location in Chickasaw County; pea or wash gravel. Hauled by yard mile and by ton mile; stockpiled and/or spread on the road. 2. Hauling clay gravel - to any location in Chickasaw County. Hauled by yard mile and by ton mile; stockpiled and/or spread on the road. 3- Hauling rip rap - all sizes per ton mile to any location in the County. 4. Hauling crushed limestone - to any location in Chickasaw County. Hauled by yard mile and by ton mile. 5. Hauling topping/fill dirt -- to any location in Chickasaw County. Hauled by yard mile and by ton mile. 6. Gravel - must be clean - wash, pea, or clay gravel, per yard and per ton FOB 7- Rip Rap - all sizes 8. Crushed stone - #7, #56, #89, #57, #67, crusher run - per ton loaded on county trucks or agents or the County. 9. Culverts - plastic - all sizes with connecting bands lO.Grader blades- 67 and T with and without bolts ll.Ready mix asphalt - hot mix and cold mix 12.Liquid Asphalt- CRS-2 13.Fly Ash 14.Hauling Fly Ash -to any location in the County per ton mile 15. Soil Cement 16.Herbicides - Round up or generic - per gallon Target or generic - per gallon Bids shall be submitted seperately on each item as advertised On the bids forms furnished by the commission of budget and Accounting. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids And the right to waive informalities.


Roads / Highways

Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Okolona, MS

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