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Published October 25, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Toronto, Ontario. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Request for supplier qualifications for Contractor - Electrical. The Toronto Catholic District School Board (the Owner) is issuing this RFSQ to identify and prequalify Contractors who are interested in participating in future procurements issued by the Owner for Work starting early 2023, for a 2-year period from the announcement of VOR List (the Term), as more particularly described in this RFSQ. Through this RFSQ the Owner intends to establish vendor of record lists (each a VOR List) of prequalified contractors who will be eligible to participate in Second Stage Procurements during the Term, as described in this RFSQ. Only Respondents who are prequalified and who are placed on a VOR List pursuant to this RFSQ will be eligible to participate in Second Stage Procurements during the Term, and no further requests for prequalification for Work will be issued during the Term. Supply and install Avigilon (Board standard) CCTV systems; IP based Telecor or Carehawk (Board standard) Public address systems; Kantech (Board standard) security and access control systems; LED lighting and controls for interior and exterior of TCDSB properties; Increase power capacity and replace existing electrical power main and distribution panels; new fire alarm systems; power and communication for portable classroom etc., all based on TCDSB Electrical and Communications design brief. Scope of work requires maintain existing system in parallel before new system is activated. The Owner intends to prequalify Respondents in the following categories (each a Category) and intends to establish a VOR List for each Category: Category 1: CCTV projects Category 2: Communication PA system projects Category 3: Security (intrusion & access control) System projects Category 4: Power and communication for Portable classrooms Category 5: Lighting and controls projects Category 6: Power projects Category 7: Fire Alarm projects Documents can be obtained at: https://tcdsb.bidsandtenders.ca Question Deadline: Mon Nov 14, 2022 12:00:00 PM (EST)



Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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