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Published November 18, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a laboratory facility in Pearl, Mississippi. Completed plans call for the renovation of a laboratory facility.

The Bid Security shall be in the form of a Bid Bond, or a Certified Check: A. Bid Bond: The Bidder may submit a Bid Bond by a Surety licen sed in Mississippi in the amount of five percent (5 %) of the base bid . C ertified Check: The Bidder may submit a certified check made out to the Bureau of Building, Grounds and Real Property Management in the amount of five percent (5%) of the base bid. All checks received from Bidders will b e r eturned upon request, unless a Bidder is one (1) of the three (3) apparent low Bidders. The three (3) apparent low Bidder's checks will be held for forty - five (45) days, unless a Contract is awarded and execute d in less time. Where bid is to be submitted electronically, certified check must be physically delivered to the address indicated on the Advertisement for Bids prior to the time and date stated Questions should be directed to the Professional. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Building envelope repairs. Seal attic; seal soffits, ridge vents, and other roof/wall openings. Applying liquid applied moisture barrier. Remediate mold/mildew behind laboratory casework. Seal existing floor penetrations. Replace ceiling tiles. Install new insulation above ceilings. Replace AHU-1 and associated VFDs, piping, ductwork, electrical service, controls, etc. Replace B-1 and associated piping, pump, electrical service, controls, etc. Replace CHW pumps. Replace VAV terminal units and add two new VAV terminal units. Replace VAV terminal unit HW control valves. Provide and install temporary controls on the existing (17) VAV terminal units to provide temporary heating until new boxes and controls are installed. This work shall take place as soon as possible once Contractor gets their Notice to Proceed (NTP). Install new exhaust fan, ductwork, louvers, controls, etc. for crawlspace ventilation. Replace exterior duct work on all existing supply, return, and outdoor air ductwork. Install new controls as specified. Install controls on other existing equipment, split-systems, etc. Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing of all new and existing HVAC systems in the Laboratory Building. Building shall be balanced to a positive pressure of 0.05 in. w.c. Modify electrical service to equipment replaced under this contract. Power to new equipment, VAV terminal units and exhaust fan. Replace lights where indicated. The existing vacuum pump in the main mechanical room shall be disconnected, removed, and reinstalled/reconnected in order to remove the existing boiler and install the new boiler. Additionally, any existing, piping, electrical, controls, etc. required to be removed in order to demo the existing boiler and install the new shall be included in Contractor's bid. The maximum outage duration for the replacement of AHU-1 shall be 14 calendar days. Completion- 360 calendar days 1. replace chilled water pumps (chp-1, chp-2) and reconnect to existing electrical. 2. replace existing hot water boiler. provide new 3-way hot water reset valve. install new hwp-3 boiler pump. 3. replace existing vav terminal units with new ddc controls and add (2) new vav boxes to condition and pressurize attic. replace vav terminal unit hw control valves. 4. remove and install new ddc controls for new equipment. integrate into existing emcs. 5. replace ahu-1. provide new vfd's, controls, electrical, etc. 6. replace ductwork insulation on all existing supply, return, outdoor, and exhaust air ducts. 7. replace chs/chr and hws/hwr piping insulation exposed within the main mechanical room. 8. install new crawlspace ventilation system. 9. provide testing, adjusting, and balancing for new hvac and existing laboratory hvac systems. balance hvac systems such that the building pressure is approximately +0.05 in. w.c. 10. electrical and lighting system modifications. 11. building envelope modifications including sealing attic and other envelope openings.




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To Be Determined, Pearl, MS

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