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Published December 28, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a warehouse / distribution facility in Olympia, Washington. Completed plans call for the construction of a warehouse / distribution facility; and for site work for a warehouse / distribution facility.

Sol Duc Hatchery Enforcement Facility, Storage Building Installation Provide all labor, materials, equipment, and permits to construct a storage/shop building within a fenced compound with improved access roads at the Department's Sol Duc Fish Hatchery, GPS Coordinates 48.05508, -124.30611 located at 1423 Pavel Rd, Beaver, Washington, 98305-9600 in Clallam County For information or technical questions regarding this project, email CAMP.Bids@dfw.wa.gov with the project title and project number in subject line. This email may also be used to request copies of the project's posted documents (Drawings, Specifications, Addenda). Minority and Women's Business Enterprises (MWBE) are encouraged to participate in the bidding as prime contractors, subcontractors, or suppliers. Engineer's Estimate: $875,000 PHASE 1 Bid Item 1 - Design PEMB Foundation and Building and Deliver PEMB Materials: Acquire and deliver all materials required to construct the Pre-Engineered Metal Building (PEMB). The PEMB must be delivered to the project site and ready to construct in Phase 1. The storage building will be a Contractor-designed and permitted, insulated 48-feet by 56-feet Pre-Engineered Metal Building (PEMB). This shall include the contractor's responsibility to obtain foundation and building designs for the PEMB that is approved and stamped by a civil or structural engineer (registered in the state of Washington). Bid Item 2 - Mobilization / Staging / Site Work: The project area is currently undeveloped except for a mound of compacted leftover fill from a 2015 adult ponds project. The existing grade shall be lowered by 4 feet to reduce fill depth beneath the proposed building and adjacent spaces. Earthwork includes constructing the fill piles, adding soil amendments, and constructing infiltration galleries. Refer to Attachment 2, Geotechnical Report for supporting information about earthwork. There will be two compacted gravel access roads constructed for this project site. One will branch off from Pavel Road and provide driving access to the compound's west entrance. One will branch off from Pavel Road and provide driving access to the compound's eastern entrance. Site water work will include hot tapping into a nearby existing 6-inch high-pressure steel hydrant and transmitting non potable water to the storage building's exterior, within the laydown area. Proposed 2-inch pipe coming out of the existing hydrant running to the storage building can be PVC or HDPE. Proposed yard hydrant coming out of the ground must be frost proof (freeze free). Minimum depth of pipe must be 3 feet below finished grades. A saddle tap method may be used with approval from Owner. PHASE 2 Bid Item 4 - Install PEMB Storage Building: Provide all labor, materials, equipment, and miscellaneous items necessary to construct the PEMB. Bid Item 5 - Design and Install Secured Storage Vault: Provide all labor, materials, equipment, and miscellaneous items necessary to design and construct the Secured Storage Vault. This shall include the stud framing around the Secure Storage Vault, four walls, ceiling, two doors, and two windows, as shown on the Drawings or described in Specifications. The Contractor shall hire a professional engineer (licensed in the state of Washington) to design a 26 feet by 15 feet by 8 feet tall Secured Storage Vault space within the PEMB storage building with load capacity of 150 pounds per square foot dead load. Bid Item 6 - Electrical: Site Electrical shall include conduit, wire, devices, supports, panels, and all other accessories to build a complete, code compliant, and operational system as shown in the Drawings and described in the Specifications. This includes site power distribution, site lighting, lighting controls, telecom system, fire alarm system, general purpose and specialty outlets, and all other miscellaneous electrical work, such as for fans. Bid Item 7 - Fencing / Gates: Provide all labor, materials, equipment, and miscellaneous items necessary to construct approximately 457 ft of 6-foot high chain-link fencing with vinyl slats and barbed wires on top, with two double-leaf gates with vinyl slats and barbed wire tops. Substantial Completion of Phase 1 shall be achieved by May 26, 2023. Substantial Completion of Phase 2 shall be achieved by June 30, 2023. Final Completion shall be achieved by July 14, 2023.


Warehouse / Distribution


Public - State/Provincial

New Construction, Site Work




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