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Site work and renovation of a civil project in Temple, Oklahoma. Completed plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project; and for site work for a water / sewer project.
Project to include miscellaneous improvements to the water treatment plant and storage facility. All bids must include assurances that the following provisions will be complied with: 1. Federal Labor Standards Provisions, US Department of Labor, 29 CFR 5; Subpart A - DavisBacon Act; Subpart B - Fringe Benefit Provision. 2. Section 3 Final Rule became effective on November 30, 2020, and is codified at 24 CFR part 75. The regulation simplifies the Section 3 requirements and establishes that Section 3 requirements apply to housing rehabilitation, housing construction, and other public construction projects assisted under HUD programs that provide housing and community development financial assistance when the total amount of HUD assistance to the project exceeds a minimum funding threshold. The regulation also improves alignment with current business practices by requiring the reporting of labor hours rather than new hires. The Benchmark Notice establishes the current numeric goals for compliance with Section 3 requirements. 3. Section 109 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, which assures that no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, natural origin, or sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits or be subjected to discrimination. 4. Non-Segregated Facilities Certification that assures the bidder does not maintain or provide any segregated facilities. 5. Executive Order 11246, EEO provisions require affirmative action and prohibits federal contractors from discriminating on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or national origin. 6. Minority Business Enterprise and Women Business Enterprise provisions which encourage minority-owned business and women-owned businesses to bid on the project. 7. Circular 570 provide assurances that surety companies executing bonds appear on the Treasury Department's list and are authorized to transact business in the State where the project is located. 8. System for Award Management ( Prime contractor's must be registered with no exclusions in the System for Award Management ( to be awarded a contract that includes funding from the federal government. All bids received at said time will be publicly opened and read aloud, and all bids shall remain on file at least forty-eight (48) hours thereafter. Bids received more than ninety-six (96) hours prior to the Bid Opening will be returned. All work shall be performed, and all construction and material used and furnished shall be in accordance with the Contract Documents prepared by Glenn Sullivan & Associates, Inc., and on file in the office of the Town Clerk, located at Town Hall. Contract to be awarded to the low responsive responsible bidder. The Owner reserves the right to waive any informalities in the bidding and the right to reject any and all bids in accordance with the Oklahoma Competitive Bidding Act. Conditional bids shall not be accepted. Notice to Bidders, Form of Bid, Form of Contract, Plans and Specifications, Forms of Bid Bond, Performance and Statutory Payment Bond, and other Contract Documents may be examined at the following: 1. Town Hall 123 N. Commercial St. Temple, OK 73568 (580) 342-6776 Each bidder shall accompany his original bid, with a certified or Cashier's Check on a solvent bank located in Oklahoma or a Bidder's Bond, in the amount of five (5) percent of the amount bid, as a guarantee of his ability to perform the contract bid upon, and that he will enter into a written contract with the Owner to perform said work and/or furnish said materials in accordance with said plans and specifications and furnish the required bonds within seven (7) days after the acceptance of his bid. The deposit will be retained by the Owner as, and for, liquidated damages in case the successful bidder fails to enter in said contract and furnish the required bonds provided for in the specifications within the time required. Deposit of the unsuccessful bidders will be returned upon the execution of the Contract and required bonds. A Performance, Maintenance and Statutory Bond in the amount of 100% of the contract price with a Corporate Surety licensed in Oklahoma and approved by the Owner and Engineer, will be required for the faithful performance of the contract, and the bidder shall state in the proposal the name and address of the Surety or Sureties who will sign this bond in case the contract is awarded to him. The Maintenance Bond required will guarantee the repair of all damage due to improper materials or workmanship for a period of one (1) year after the acceptance of the work by the Owner. By submitting a bid/proposal under this solicitation, the Bidder understands that the bid/proposal is subjected to the Davis-Bacon Act including prevailing wage rates and the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act. The work consists of the following items: 1. General - Supply and Install Emergency Generator (Propane) and Automatic Transfer Switch for WTP - Install Fence Around WTP with "No Trespassing" Sign Every 50 ft. - Install New SCADA for WTP and Storage Controls. 2. Raw Water Pump Station - Replace Raw Water Pump. - Rehab Concrete Pump Pad. - Replace Check Valves and Gate Valves on Raw Water Pumps. - Replace Building. 3. Clarifier - Sandblast & Paint Clarifier. 4. Pipe Gallery - Replace Ex. Influent, Backwash Supply, Waste and Surface Wash Valves with Electric Butterfly Valves. - Install Tees, Electric Butterfly Valves, and Piping for Filter to Waste on Each Filter. - Install Mag Meters (Insert) on Each Filter Effluent. - Sandblast and Paint Piping in Pipe Gallery. 5. Filters - Remove and Replace Filter Console. - Install New Filter Headloss Components. - Install two (2) New Chlorine Monitors (Hach CL 17). - Install three (3) New Turbidimeters (Hach TU5300). 6. Chlorine Room - Replace Doors and Jams (2) in Chlorine Room. - Relocate Switches to Outside Chlorine Room. High Service Pump House - Replace Ex. 7.5 HP High Service Pump with 20 HP. - Install 6" Gate Valve and 6" Swing Check for New 20 HP Pump. - Revise Piping for Backup Backwash Pump. - Remove & Replace Exhaust Fan in High Service Pump House - Remove Ex. Window & Install Motorized Intake in High Service Pump House - Remove & Replace Door in High Service Pump House - Remove Ex. Windows & Install CMU in High Service Pump House - Remove Ex. Heater & Patch All Holes in High Service Pump House - Replace Roof, And Remove and Block Up Windows on High Service Pump House - Caulk All Cracks in Int. & Ext. Walls in High Service Pump House - Paint Interior Walls & Piping in High Service Pump House - Paint Exterior of High Service Pump House - Replace Roof, and Remove and Block Up Windows on High Service Pump House 8. Clearwell - Install Hydraulic Mixing System in Clearwell. 9. Storage Facility - Construction Staking. Stake R/W corners at Storage Facility. - Install Fence Around WTP with "No Trespassing" Sign Every 50 ft. - Install Flex Gate on Storage Facility Overflow Pipe. - Install Chlorine Booster at Storage Facility. B. The work is located in Temple, Cotton County, Oklahoma.
Bid Results
Water / Sewer
Public - City
Renovation, Site Work
Trades Specified
Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum
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To Be Determined, Temple, OK
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