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Published October 29, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in North Attleboro, Massachusetts. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Town of North Attleboro seeks proposals from qualified designers within the meaning of and in accordance with M.G.L. Ch 7C, 44 to perform a feasibility study for a new a fire headquarters by providing the following: A site and facility assessment of a property located at 583 Landry Ave for a new Fire Department Headquarters (7 bay station) and 4 story Training Tower. The selected firm shall contact the Fire Chief to get access to the land. A site and facility need program for the fire department to accommodate current and projected assets and operational requirements. An evaluation that includes fire unit response time / staffing models and response areas. An assessment on the efficacy of incorporating Fire Station 2 manpower and apparatus, located at 465 Kelley Blvd, into this new Headquarters station Conceptual designs and associated construction estimates. Identification of possible state and federal funding sources. Located at 50 Elm Street, North Attleboro, Massachusetts 02760, the current fire headquarters was built as a school in the late 1800's, and it is over 100 years old. This station houses one engine, two rescue vehicles, one command car, two dive boats with trailer, and five administrative vehicles. The building consists of three vehicle bays with an additional garage bay door at the rear of the building and a four-bay rear garage which serves as the Fire Alarm Superintendent's office and mechanic's garage. The Fire Chief's office, the Deputy Fire Chief's office and administrative offices are all located on the first and second floors, and they are not in compliance with Massachusetts Architectural Access Board or ADA regulation requirements. There is no room for expansion, and with the addition of two previously approved department positions, the Assistant Fire Chief and EMS Captain, extra office space is needed. Our records storage is in the basement in a non-climate-controlled area. Living quarters do not include separate private bunk rooms. The Town of North Attleboro seeks an architectural firm with deep knowledge of emergency services operations and experience with the design of fire/rescue stations to produce a Feasibility Study (Phase 1) for a new Fire Headquarters facility and subsequent facility plans as outlined below. It is the Town's expectation that the Study will generate practical short- and longer-term strategies to address current and projected needs of the Fire Department and provide acceptable standards of cover for several future decades in facilities that are safe, efficient, durable, healthy, and functional. Questions or request for clarifications concerning this Request for Proposal must be submitted electronically to sharvey@nattleboro.com on or before 2:30pm on November 14, 2022. Questions will be answered by email and any questions submitted after this deadline will not be answered. The Town of North Attleboro reserves the right to cancel this RFP, or reject any/all proposals, or accept any proposal considered to be in the best interest of the Town of North Attleboro. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.


Fire / Police

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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May 16, 2023


Multiple Locations, North Attleboro, MA

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