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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Melvin, Minnesota. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Removal of Trees and Woody Vegetation at Melvin Slough WPA Location: Melvin Slough WPA, Melvin, MN Project Performance Period: November 4th, 2022-April 15th, 2023 and August 1st-August 30th, 2023. Project Acres: 353.68 Property Ownership: The property is owned by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and managed by the Detroit Lakes Wetlands Management District. Contact Information Alex Wardwell - Project Manager Shawn May -Site Manager Audubon Minnesota U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) 17788 349th St. SE 1732 North Tower Road Erskine, MN 56535 Detroit Lakes, MN 56501 (608) 370-1774 (218) 849-1499 Bids and Site Visit: All bids must be submitted to Audubon Minnesota by dates specified in the Statement of Work in order to be considered for this project. If you decline to bid on the project please call, email, text or otherwise send a courtesy note to inform the project manager of your declination so we know not to expect your bid. All bids are to be submitted on a "PER ACRE" unit-price basis, a bid for each project area and a combined bid. Bids should be submitted by email to Alex Wardwell using the bid sheet provided. Permits & Liabilities: The site manager will provide for any specific permissions or permits needed to do the work, should such issues arise. The contractor WILL be responsible for calling Gopher State One Call (1-800-252-1166) to identify any utilities BEFORE digging. The contractor is ultimately responsible for any liability resulting from damage by their equipment to any utilities. If the contractor or Gopher One identify any issues that would impact this project, the site manager must be informed immediately to help find a solution. The contractor is also liable for damage to any other property, infrastructure or personal injury on site due to accident or negligence and must carry the required insurance, as specified in the Request for Bids. Project Location Melvin Slough WPA is located 7 miles northwest of Fertile, MN on MN Highway 102. in Sections 21 and 22 -Onstad Township near Melvin, MN in Polk County (see attached map). Project Information Audubon Minnesota is working in collaboration with Detroit Lakes Wetlands Management District staff on a project to reduce the woody vegetation cover and tree succession on select management units near Melvin, MN. The results from this treatment will promote a higher quality and more diverse tallgrass prairie habitat, which will benefit a suite of wildlife species for years to come. Melvin Slough WPA falls within the Glacial Ridge Important Bird Area (IBA), a globally Important Bird Area (IBA) and additionally, falls within the Glacial Ridge Prairie Core, as identified in the Minnesota Prairie Conservation Plan, making the area a priority for Audubon. Description of Work This is a non-personnel services contract order for the reduction of standing dead and potentially live trees and woody vegetation on UP TO 353.68 acres within the WPA boundary. The objective of this Contract will be for the Contractor to mechanically cut and remove the standing dead woody vegetation utilizing heavy equipment, chainsaws, shears, and mulching cutter attachments and chippers. Maps containing details about the project areas for the project are attached below and Shapefiles will be provided. It is highly recommended that the Contractor visit the site prior to bidding. The Contractor shall provide all personnel, labor, equipment, supplies, transportation, tools, materials, supervision, and other non-personnel services necessary to perform the requirements of this Contract and shall plan, schedule, coordinate, and ensure effective performance of required services for the entire duration of the Contract. The land is located in Sections 21 and 22 of Onstad Township Polk County, MN. Tree removal and mowing will only be applied to land which are currently owned by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The performance dates for this contract are of November 4th, 2022-April 15th, 2023 and August 1st-August 30th, 2023. This is a firm-fixed price commercial contract. Contractor must comply 100% with the agreed-upon Statement of Work. Method of treatment will be via heavy equipment/tractors that are capable of felling, hauling and/or skidding trees with minimal impacts to the soil substrate. Other equipment to consider is equipment that can de-branch, chip branches and remove whole branches or chipped branches from the site, excavator with a bucket thumb or a skidsteer with a grapple attachment and large-capacity truck. Rotary mowers, rotary drum mulchers/forestry cutters, and chipping machines are the preferred equipment for the smaller woody vegetation. All trees and woody vegetation must be treated within the areas identified on the map. Woody material may be piled into burn piles on FWS property if the specifications listed below are followed. The Contractor cannot set fire to any of the piles, burning of the piles is the responsibility of the USFWS staff. If the Contractor's preferred equipment differs from above, please contact the Project Manager for approval prior to submitting a bid. The Contractor must comply with all EPA, FAA, OSHA, and other Federal, State and Local Government statutes and regulations while performing the services stated in this Statement of Work. The Contractor shall have a safety/spill response plan. Care should be taken to avoid soil disturbance or erosion as the sites contain quality prairie. If soil disturbance occurs, the Contractor will notify the Project Manager and Site Manager before taking actions to correct the disturbance. The Contractor will provide the Project Manager with contact information for all personnel and information about vehicles and equipment to be used or parked at sites. All Contractor personnel involved in performing this Contract, as well as the equipment used, will be appropriately licensed and certified for the work to be done as stated in this Statement of Work. The Contractor is responsible for the repair or replacement of any faulty or sub-standard equipment during the course of the Contract. The Contractor will notify the Project Manager within 48 hours of discovery of necessary repair or replacement during the course of the woody vegetation mowing/mulching/removal Contract. The payment will only be made for actual acres treated which are agreed upon between the Contractor and the Project Manager prior to commencement of mowing/mulching/removal operations. All 353.68 acres must be treated before payment for services is made. The Contractor shall be responsible for collecting the following data for the Project Manager: operation start and end dates, number of acres treated, and equipment used. Project Details Flush Cut (trees over 4" DBH) All trees (except oaks) larger than 4" DBH must be flush cut within 2 inches of ground level between the dates of November 4th, 2022-April 15th, 2023 and August 1st-August 30th, 2023. o Any stumps higher than that must be revisited and cut within 2 inches of ground level. o Within 1 hour after flush cutting, each cut stump larger than 4 inches DBH must be treated with 20% Garlon4 Ultra & 2% Milestone in basal oil and blue dye, (V/V%, Ratio Ex: 20 gal. Garlon 4 Ultra, 2 gal. Milestone, 78 gal. Bark oil-blue carrier). Colored dye must be used. o All herbicide, basal oil, and colored dye are incidental to the contract and must be provided by the Contractor. o Site Manager will inspect flush cutting to ensure all stumps are treated. If untreated stumps are found, contractor must recut them lower and apply Garlon4 Ultra/Milestone as described above. All costs for retreating stumps not meeting specifications are incidental to this contract. o Stumps cannot be treated if snow or water is covering the stump. The Contractor must follow all herbicide label directions and wear all necessary personal protective equipment. o The Contractor is required to retreat if greater than 5% regrowth within the following growing season. o Tree Piles: o All other flush cut trees and woody debris must be mulched and spread so that chips are no deeper in any one place than 2 inches or consolidated into tree piles. o Tree pile locations must conform to the following: Must be further than 200-ft from property boundaries or roads. Must be located near low-lying areas within reeds canary grass. Not within standing water or cattails. Fewer piles that are larger in size are preferred. Reference approved pile locations on map. o Tree piles must be stacked by these specifications: Place tree piles directly on existing ground. Do NOT strip off topsoil and stockpile to the side. Trees and woody material must be tightly stacked with a skidsteer or excavator in piles. The piles must have a mixture of fuel sizes throughout the pile or the majority of the smaller diameter fuels on the bottom of the pile for more effective burn consumption. No tree tops on top of the pile with branches protruding toward the sky. Place the base of trees towards the center of the pile with tree tops facing outward. This will ensure the stumps are in the hottest part of the fire. Avoid placing all the larger tree stumps (largest diameter fuel) in one location. Piles not meeting these specifications will need to be re-piled. Contact the Site Manager with any questions regarding pile specifications. Forestry Mow and Mulch (all trees under 4" DBH) o All trees (except oaks) smaller than 4" DBH must be mechanically mowed and mulched in the project area polygons between the following dates: November 4th, 2022-April 15th, 2023 and August 1st-August 30th, 2023. The project goals require a low mow height very close to the ground. Once measurable snow of more than 2 inches is on site, the Site Manager will need to determine if work can continue and when work can resume in the spring. Forestry Mow and Mulch all Shrubs o All shrubs within the project areas must be mechanically mowed and mulched between the following dates: November 4th, 2022-April 15th, 2023 and August 1st-August 30th, 2023. The project goals require a low mow height. Once measurable snow of more than 2 inches is on site, the Site Manager will need to determine if work can continue and when work can resume in the spring. CONTRACTOR-FURNISHED PROPERTY AND SERVICES 1. General - The Contractor shall provide all labor, equipment, supervision, transportation, operating supplies, and incidentals needed to perform the work. 2. The Contractor must possess any/all required state and federal licenses applicable to this job. 3. Provide equipment with mowing and mulching attachments, operators, fuel and all other staff and associated supplies needed to complete the Project. 4. All large stumps must be flush cut to ground level with a maximum height of 2 inches above ground level and cut-stump treated (see Project Details above). All smaller trees and shrubs should be cut within 2 inches of the ground and mowed and mulched so that no mowed/mulched pieces are longer than 12 inches in length or 2 inches wide. Tree limbs or tree tops may be stacked in piles in designated areas (see project map for details). Mulched wood must be no deeper than 2 inches in any one place. If mulched brush chips are deeper than 2 inches, chips must be spread out so that chips can dry and be consumed by prescribed fire. 5. Equipment Maintenance: Throughout the period of performance, machines used to accomplish this Contract shall be maintained in good and safe working order, and shall be free of fluid leaks in order to protect the WPA environment. All equipment shall be cleaned prior to operation on federal lands (all dirt, grease, and plant parts shall be removed, to minimize risks of contamination of the WPA). Safety o At all times, the Contractor will ensure the safety of all personnel involved in the operation including the mandatory use of all prescribed personal protective equipment. All equipment & personnel provided under this project shall meet and comply with all Federal, State, and occupational safety & health administration (OSHA) regulations. o The Contractor agrees to abide by all local standards, protocols, instructions and briefings related to access the various sites. Any accident or injury resulting from the Contractor's actions will be the sole responsibility of the Contractor. Contractor Safety and Experience o Contractor and all employees assisting will have an excellent safety record. o At all times, the Contractor will ensure the safety of all personnel involved in the operation including the mandatory use of all prescribed personal protective equipment. o Contractor will be fully insured to the amount that Audubon requires (see Contract) and will provide Audubon proof of insurance prior to work commencing. Equal Employment Opportunity Audubon promotes a diverse workplace and is an equal opportunity employer. It is the policy of Audubon to contract with the best-qualified person regardless of race, color, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, disability or marital status. Funding Information Audubon's funding for the services to be performed under this Agreement is made pursuant to the following government grant agreement(s) (the "Master Grant(s)"), attached hereto as Exhibit A, the terms of which are incorporated herein: Lessard-Sams Outdoor Heritage Fund (LSOHC) M. L. 2022 LSOHC Work Plan "Restoring and Enhancing Minnesota's Important Bird Areas" approved on 07/01/2022. IC acknowledges and agrees to comply with all the terms and conditions of the Master Grant(s) with which Audubon must comply, as if IC was named therein in place of Audubon. Funding for this project was provided from the Outdoor Heritage Fund, as appropriated by the Minnesota State Legislature under the Clean Water, Land and Legacy Amendment, and as recommended by the Lessard-Sams Outdoor Heritage Council (LSOHC). Funding for this project was provided to restore, protect, and enhance Minnesota's wetlands, prairies, forests, and habitat for fish, game, and wildlife



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